This research report seeks to explore the current policies and practices regarding Cambodian seasonal migrant workers in Thailand. For the purpose of this research, seasonal migrant workers (SMWs), are defined as migrants who work in Thailand’s border provinces in an episodic, and non-continuous manner, and is not limited to a specific work sector, legal status, […]
The five-year (July 2021 – June 2026) Fight Slavery and Trafficking- In-Persons (FSTIP) project is the culmination of a 12-year partnership between Winrock, USAID, and Bangladesh’s government and civil society to pioneer and expand interventions to combat trafficking in persons (TIP) and child marriage (CM). Our joint success enabled the government of Bangladesh (GOB) to […]
This case study series aims to inform development practitioners and donors seeking to use a collective impact approach to support local stakeholders to lead efforts to enact their own agendas, leading to lasting change.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Bangladesh awarded Cooperative Agreement AID-388-A-12-00007 to implement the Bangladesh Climate-Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) Project to an experienced consortium of local and international organizations led by Winrock International on September 17, 2012. CREL was originally designed as a five year, $32M project, which was then amended to […]
Shelter management has a direct and positive impact on the successful reintegration of survivors. Shelters play a crucial and significant role in building the confidence of survivors and empowering them economically to reintegrate into their family and society.
Nepal is considered a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking. Trafficking in Nepal is diverse and is cross-border, international, and internal. According to the report published by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), about 35,000 people were victims of human trafficking in the year 2018. They were trafficked for various purposes: sexual exploitation, […]
Data available on the incidence of trafficking in persons (TIP) in Nepal is scant and scattered. This leaves unanswered questions about the actual number of people trafficked from Nepal every year and the socio-economic characteristics of TIP survivors. According to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)’s latest annual report on TIP in Nepal, a total […]
This policy brief explores: 1) prevalence of trafficking in persons (TIP) indicators among Nepali workers while participating in international labor migration, and 2) factors that place migrant workers at the risk of trafficking. These are important factors given that hundreds of thousands of Nepali workers participate in foreign employment every year and existing studies/media reports […]
Survivors of human trafficking in Nepal face extreme challenges to access justice. Many are still waiting to begin the process and those who are mid-process continue to encounter multiple legal and institutional barriers.
Nepal is one of the most highly affected countries regarding human trafficking (HT); however, the country does not have a centralized and updated database on HT. The estimated HT data was conducted in 2022 by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) with around 35,000 persons affected, which included a high number of women (15,000) and […]