
ATLAS Thailand Fact Sheet
Winrock and partners implement the five-year, U.S. Department of Labor-funded ATLAS project in Argentina, Liberia, Paraguay and Thailand. The project works to strengthen government capacity in the four countries to address child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking. In Thailand, the project works to: Improve enforcement of Thailand’s labor and criminal legal frameworks, specifically related […]
Drawing From Experience: Response Center Practices in the Thai Fishery Industry
With the shared intention to drive positive change and support sustainable and ethical practices within the seafood and fishing industries, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) and Thailand CTIP projects—led by Winrock International—developed a shared-value partnership with Mars Petcare to reduce vulnerability to trafficking in persons (TIP).
Tapped Out: A Research Study on Forced Labor and Trafficking in Persons in the Thai Rubber Industry
Since 1986, Southeast Asia has been the largest natural rubber producing region in the world. Thailand is the world’s leading producer of natural rubber, with approx- imately 4.37 million metric tons of natural rubber pro- duced in 2020, accounting for 35% of global production. Thailand faces multiple manifestations of forced labor (FL) and trafficking in […]
Strengthening Civil Society Coordination and Collaboration in Chiang Rai
In Thailand, there is a wide range of civil society actors working in migrant protection and anti-human trafficking, from large International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), Civil Society Organizations (CSO)s, village volunteers, community leaders, and migrant organizations. Civil society actors are often at the forefront of counter-trafficking efforts, engaging most directly with people in situations of exploitation, […]
Strengthening Migrant Participation in the Provincial Labor Protection System on the USAID Thailand CTIP Project
While significant progress was made in countering trafficking in persons (CTIP) in Thailand over the past two decades, including standardizing victim identification processes, streamlining the prosecution of trafficking cases, strengthening victim-centered assistance programs, and increasing translation services and outreach into vulnerable communities, Thailand still experiences significant patterns of human trafficking and forced labor. Migrant workers […]
District Level Anti- Trafficking in Person Committees in Border Provinces on the USAID Thailand CTIP Project
Local actors are important both for trafficking in persons (TIP) prevention and protection of survivors as they have deep connections with local communities and a better understanding of vulnerabilities to TIP and labor exploitation. In the past several years, Thailand has made significant progress with laws and policies at the national level, to punish perpetrators, […]
Indicator Guidance for Countering Trafficking in Persons Project
With the long-term aim of adopting higher standards and harmonization in measuring CTIP impact and results, USAID Asia CTIP launched the online MEL Toolkit in the Year Five (2020) of the project. The Toolkit aims to provide an easy to access location for USG standard indicators, 18 original CTIP indicators with indicator reference sheets and […]
Policy Brief: Engaging the Private Sector in Climate Adaptation Policies
Consensus is growing on the need for global climate change adaptation despite lack of agreement on how to fund it. According to the Adaptation Finance Gap Report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2016, by 2030 adaptation costs will range between $140–300 billion per year (UNEP 2016). These costs cannot be covered […]
Policy Brief: Developing Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in Peru
Extreme weather events in Peru interrupt public services and damage commercial and residential infrastructure, which in turn increase operating and maintenance costs, reduce revenues, and can decrease the service-life of infrastructure assets. Private infrastructure developers, banks, insurance companies, government agencies, and other infrastructure stakeholders have begun to consider climate impacts because they pose substantial operational, […]