Each year, Niger and Burkina Faso experience natural disasters such as droughts, floods, epidemics, cross-border animal diseases and economic crises. In recent years, the two countries have also endured repeated conflicts and terrorist attacks causing massive population displacements. These incidents result in loss of lives and destruction or deterioration of populations’ livelihoods and consequently affect […]
Three RISE II activities in North Central Burkina Faso, ASTER, ViMPlus, & TerresEauVie, each with its specific mandate or level of intervention, focus on improving land tenure security. Stakeholders jointly reported a concern during a meeting in March 2020. In spite of the Government’s efforts, knowledge and compliance with Law 034/2009 of June 16, 2009 […]
In 2019, World Food Program, Wadata, and TerresEauVie developed a collaborative action plan to reclaim degraded lands in Mazamni municipality using a watershed approach. To achieve this goal, micro-watershed maps were produced by TerresEauVie. These maps allowed Wadata and TerresEauVie to identify the grazing area of Kourayé village in the Mazamni municipality (Zinder region). The […]
This collection of stories was based on a research project to understand the experiences of reintegration among survivors of trafficking, what they think constitutes successful reintegration, and what they feel would best support them in their reintegration journeys. The research was conducted between January and March 2020 by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and […]
This Learning Paper Series was developed by the USAID Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project with the overall aim to learn from our current and previous programming to better inform our future work. Winrock International is the implementing partner of this USAID-funded regional project. Winrock also implements six other USAID CTIP projects in nine […]
This Learning Paper Series was developed by the USAID Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project with the overall aim to learn from our current and previous programming to better inform our future work. Winrock International is the implementing partner of this USAID-funded regional project. Winrock also implements six other USAID CTIP projects in nine […]
This Learning Paper Series was developed by the USAID Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project with the overall aim to learn from our current and previous programming to better inform our future work. Winrock International is the implementing partner of this USAID-funded regional project. Winrock also implements six other USAID CTIP projects in nine countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Thailand, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In addition to this, Winrock is the implementing partner to an additional CTIP project in Bangladesh, generously funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Delta UPSOAR is an innovative and local response specifically designed to serve youth and adults who have not received opioid and substance abuse awareness education and resources. While specifically designed for those living in Baxter, Fulton, Izard, Sharp, and Stone counties, this information is available for all Arkansans.
This resource offers specific actions that funders, researchers, and project implementers can take to increase evidence uptake and impact in human trafficking research. The content is based on the discussions that took place among 140 participants in two multi-sector working groups during the November 2020 Evidence to Action Summit. Some of these actions are the […]
The discussions during these two Summit sessions revealed several common barriers to evidence uptake, mostly shared from the perspectives of project implementers. This brief synthesizes the two sessions and distills the key themes that emerged, reflecting attendees’ recurring concerns and values. Listed in alphabetical order, the most frequently discussed barriers to evidence uptake were challenges […]