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Winrock International


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Survivors’ Perspectives on Successful Reintegration After Trafficking

This new report by the Institute of Development Studies in association with USAID’s Asia Counter Trafficking in Person, implemented by Winrock, examines trafficking survivors’ experiences in their reintegration journeys from the survivors’ perspectives and in their own words. In-depth research conducted in Bangladesh and Cambodia centers discussion about reintegration around survivors as agents in shaping […]

Learning Action Brief: A Social network Analysis of CTIP CSPs in the Asia Region

A social network analysis (SNA) is a method to study and observe social structures of a particular population. It can be applied to various disciplines and at various scales. A basic social network is made up of nodes, which are the subjects, and edges, which show the connectivity between the subjects. The purpose of a […]

Child Labour Must End in Dried Fish Industry

The USDOL Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) project, implemented by Winrock, hosted a virtual roundtable, “Seeking Ways to End Child Labor in the Dried Fish Processing Industry” on Nov. 30, 2020. The event featured a presentation of CLIMB’s research findings on the status of child labor in the dried fish sector. Updates were provided […]

What Transformation Takes: Evidence of Responsible INGO Transitions to Locally Led Development Around the World

The Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) project, which Winrock implemented in Bangladesh from 2012 to 2018, is featured in, What Transformation Takes: Evidence of Responsible INGO Transitions to Locally Led Development Around the World. The book, a compilation of 19 case studies, praises CREL’s co-management approach for transferring ownership and responsibility to the Bangladesh […]

SafeStep: Using tech to enable safe recruitment for migrant workers | Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (

As a part of its partnership with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), GFEMS is partnering with ELEVATE to develop and pilot SafeStep, a mobile application to provide workers with tools to make informed decisions about migration. The first iteration of the application, which is now live on the Google Play App Store, […]

From Survivors to Counter-Trafficking Champions in Nepal

Shanti and Fulmaya are two of 59 trainees in the Leadership for Change training organized by the Hamro Samman project in coordination with its local partner, Swatantrata Abhiyan Nepal. Hamro Samman is funded by USAID and UK aid and implemented by Winrock International.

Financing Smallholder Cocoa Rehabilitation in Ghana

In Ghana, the Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) project and cocoa trading company ECOM Agroindustrial Corporation (ECOM) are collaborating on developing a sustainable service delivery model for cocoa farm rehabilitation services. These services aim to rehabilitate old and diseased cocoa farms to more resilient agroforestry systems that deliver multiple benefits. Results from our efforts […]

EMPOWER Case Study: Understanding Variation in Real Course Attendance and Achievement

Over the course of implementation of the USDOL-funded Increasing Economic and Social Empowerment for Adolescent Girls and Vulnerable Women in Zambia (EMPOWER) project, staff and stakeholders became aware of anecdotal evidence on project challenges and successes not fully captured in quantitative targets. Winrock designed a case study to examine barriers and facilitators to participation and […]
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