
Adaptive Approaches to Facilitating Finance in Myanmar’s Agriculture Sector: A Review
In collaboration with local partners in Myanmar, USAID’s Value Chains for Rural Development (VCRD) project is helping rural smallholder farmers and processors find affordable pre-season financing to successfully enter higher-value domestic and international markets. After five years of VCRD value chain development assistance for soy, ginger, coffee, sesame, and melons, better skilled, equipped, organized and […]
From Seed to Fork: Triggering Systemic Changes in Myanmar’s Soybean Sector
USAID/Burma’s Value Chains for Rural Development project (“the project”) supports soy farmers, processors, and input suppliers to change the way they do business by proving that inclusivity, transparency and commitment to quality leads to increased income generation throughout the value chain. This report highlights value chain developments and learning over a five-year period, from 2015 […]
Side Event at COP25 in Madrid, Spain
At this Side Event hosted by Winrock International and the Government of Vietnam, we will explore how governments and implementing partners have engaged the private sector to support the development, financing, and implementation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Carbon PFES Study Tour Lessons Learned
Carbon pricing mechanisms offer a way for countries to meet their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and economic development goals, while protecting the environment and public health. They stimulate GHG emitters to reconsider their business models, adopt new technologies with a lower emissions profile, and/or identify ways to lower the impact of their emissions through […]
September 2019 SWP Newsletter
Sustaining the world’s rivers, lakes and aquifers cannot depend on science, technology and engineering alone. Engaging and empowering water users and decision-makers in efforts to enhance water security is essential. In this issue – Why Stakeholders Matter – Early Engagement, Better Results? – Untapped Resources
August 2019 SWP Newsletter
World Water Week 2019 will highlight the increasing importance of inclusiveness in global water development. From working to include women in planning for water security in Cambodia to working with farmers in Kenya and Tanzania to preserve shared waterways, read about the ways the Sustainable Water Partnership is advancing the goal of water for all. In This Issue – […]
SWP Institutional Capacity Assessment Process
This tool provides guidance to the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) and other organizations involved in improving capacity in water security on how to define goals and track changes in institutional performance to address or mitigate water security risks. This guidance builds on recent USAID guidance and methodologies on monitoring organizational capacity development by focusing on […]
Review of Models of Care for Trafficking Survivors in Thailand
As a country of origin, destination, and transit for forced labor and human trafficking, Thailand has been expanding its efforts to offer shelter and assistance to both Thai and foreign citizens, however, some gaps remain. Using international standards and good practices as benchmarks for quality of assistance, the study reviews victim care models in Thailand […]