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September 2019 SWP Newsletter

Sustaining the world’s rivers, lakes and aquifers cannot depend on science, technology and engineering alone. Engaging and empowering water users and decision-makers in efforts to enhance water security is essential. In this issue – Why Stakeholders Matter – Early Engagement, Better Results? – Untapped Resources

August 2019 SWP Newsletter

World Water Week 2019 will highlight the increasing importance of inclusiveness in global water development. From working to include women in planning for water security in Cambodia to working with farmers in Kenya and Tanzania to preserve shared waterways, read about the ways the Sustainable Water Partnership is advancing the goal of water for all. In This Issue – […]

SWP Institutional Capacity Assessment Process

This tool provides guidance to the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) and other organizations involved in improving capacity in water security on how to define goals and track changes in institutional performance to address or mitigate water security risks. This guidance builds on recent USAID guidance and methodologies on monitoring organizational capacity development by focusing on […]

Review of Models of Care for Trafficking Survivors in Thailand

As a country of origin, destination, and transit for forced labor and human trafficking, Thailand has been expanding its efforts to offer shelter and assistance to both Thai and foreign citizens, however, some gaps remain. Using international standards and good practices as benchmarks for quality of assistance, the study reviews victim care models in Thailand […]

VCRD Learning Across Value Chains

USAID/Burma’s Value Chains for Rural Development project (“the project”) is helping farmers, processors, and exporters improve the quality of selected commodities – soy, ginger, coffee, sesame and melons – and transact in more efficient, inclusive, and transparent ways. Now in its fifth and final year of implementation, this report highlights key cross-cutting learning since late […]

VC-RD Public-Private Partnerships That Are Changing the World

The Darden School of Business’ Institute for Business in Society partners with Concordia and the U.S. Department of State Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships to present the annual P3 Impact Award, which recognizes leading public-private partnerships that improve communities around the world. This year’s award will be presented at the Concordia Annual Summit XXX September […]

Inundaciones, deslizamientos y huaycos

El cambio climático causará eventos más severos de El Niño y mayores ocurrencias de lluvias intensas que a sus vez causarán inundaciones, deslizamientos y huaycos más frecuentes y de mayor envergadura. Además, en el corto y mediano plazo, el derretimiento de los glaciares provocará un aumento del flujo de los cuerpos de agua que alimentan, […]

Escasez de Agua

El cambio climático empeorará los problemas de escasez de agua en algunas partes de Perú debido al retroceso de los glaciares, los cambios en los patrones de precipitación, y a la variabilidad climática asociada a más incidencias de sequías.

Olas de calor y aumentos de la temperatura

En Perú, el cambio climático está causando un incremento de las temperaturas promedios anuales en todo el país. Esto, a su vez, conduce a temperaturas máximas mayores y una mayor frecuencia de eventos cálidos extremos, es decir, olas de calor, especialmente durante los años de El Niño.
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