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VC-RD Public-Private Partnerships That Are Changing the World

The Darden School of Business’ Institute for Business in Society partners with Concordia and the U.S. Department of State Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships to present the annual P3 Impact Award, which recognizes leading public-private partnerships that improve communities around the world. This year’s award will be presented at the Concordia Annual Summit XXX September […]

Inundaciones, deslizamientos y huaycos

El cambio climático causará eventos más severos de El Niño y mayores ocurrencias de lluvias intensas que a sus vez causarán inundaciones, deslizamientos y huaycos más frecuentes y de mayor envergadura. Además, en el corto y mediano plazo, el derretimiento de los glaciares provocará un aumento del flujo de los cuerpos de agua que alimentan, […]

Escasez de Agua

El cambio climático empeorará los problemas de escasez de agua en algunas partes de Perú debido al retroceso de los glaciares, los cambios en los patrones de precipitación, y a la variabilidad climática asociada a más incidencias de sequías.

Olas de calor y aumentos de la temperatura

En Perú, el cambio climático está causando un incremento de las temperaturas promedios anuales en todo el país. Esto, a su vez, conduce a temperaturas máximas mayores y una mayor frecuencia de eventos cálidos extremos, es decir, olas de calor, especialmente durante los años de El Niño.

Aumento del Nivel del Mar

El cambio climático está causando un aumento del nivel del mar por dos razones: 1) el derretimiento de glaciares y otras formaciones de hielo en la tierra; y 2) la expansión del volumen de agua del mar, porque está más caliente (expansión térmica). Entre 1993 y 2018 el nivel medio global del mar, en el […]

Success Story: Building Resilience of Agricultural Businesses

Shahnoza, LLC is a small-scale agri-enterprise based in Jayhun district in southwest Tajikistan. The company was started by Abdugaffor Kurbonov in 1999 and, over time, has diversified its agricultural activities from lemon production and a range of homeproduced value-added products to introducing strawberry production for the first time in 2017. With his wife and four […]

Success Story: Networking for Business Development

Tajikistan’s agricultural sector is a very important segment of the Central Asian country’s economy, and its southwestern Khatlon province is particularly famous throughout the region for its beautiful fruit and vegetables. However, most farmers are not able to sell their produce outside of the province due to a combination of poor business skills and limited […]

Changing the Face of Clean Water Supply in Tanzania – Originally Posted at USAID

Originally Published At:

Year 3 Annual Report

Standing in a pond outside of Kathmandu, Nepal earlier this year, I realized the essence the of Feed the Future Asia Innovative Farmers Activity. I was surrounded by research analysts, private sector entrepreneurs, a government official, and – most importantly – several farmers. In this pond I was surrounded by a subset of the greater […]

July 2019 SWP Newsletter

Engaging women and other marginalized groups is an important element of the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership’s Water Security Improvement (WSI) process. In this newsletter, read about the women spearheading the fight for water security in Cambodia’s Stung Chinit Watershed. In This Issue – Women Lead the Fight for Water Security – Mother, Farmer, Leader – […]
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