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Guidance on Participatory Carbon Monitoring

This guidance document is an output of the project ‘Delivering Multiple Benefits from REDD+ in Southeast Asia’ (MB-REDD), implemented by SNV – The Netherlands Development Organisation in collaboration with the ‘Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests’ (LEAF) project. The MB-REDD project is part of the International Climate Initiative. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature […]

Guidance on Carbon Stock Calculations Using Field Data Collected

This module describes the calculations necessary to estimate carbon stocks and their uncertainty, based on field data collected in a Terrestrial Carbon Monitoring System for REDD+.

Allometric Equation Evaluation Guidance Document

The study of carbon stored in forests is based on the assessment of biomass stocks found in various vegetation types, along with the carbon stored in the soil. While it is not possible to directly measure the mass of carbon or vegetation in a forest area without harvesting and weighing all tree and vegetation biomass, […]

Guidance for Developing NFI for Forest Carbon Sampling

This module describes the calculations necessary to estimate carbon stocks and their uncertainty, based on field data collected in a Terrestrial Carbon Monitoring System for REDD+.

India Water Resources Profile

India divides its surface water into 22 basins. The Ganges, Indus, Godavari, and Brahmaputra Basins cover more than half the country.

Remote Assessment of Extracted Volumes and Greenhouse Gases from Tropical Timber Harvest

Timber harvest from tropical regions generates seven billion dollars annually in exports and is estimated to occur across 20% of the area of remaining tropical forests. This timber harvesting is estimated to account for more than one in eight of all greenhouse gas emissions from tropical forests. Yet there is currently no means to independently […]

June/July 2018 SWP Newsletter

At the fourth and final “Sustainable Water, Resilient Communities” event at D.C.’s Wilson Center, SWP’s panel of experts discusses solutions to the challenge of erratic water. In this issue: – “Hope is Not a Strategy” – “We Are the Water Users” – New Privacy Statement

Malaysia’s Palm Oil Industry

The palm oil industry has experienced significant growth and expansion during the past decades, becoming a key part of the Malaysian economy and one of the most important sources of jobs. However, with this growth has come widespread reports of human rights abuses related to consistent exposure of workers to hazardous chemicals, violent clashes over […]
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