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USAID Asia CTIP Newsletter – First Edition – June 2018

CONTENTS Regional: Engaging the Private Sector Regional: Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group Tracks Results Bangladesh: Orienting Judicial Officers on Victims’ Rights Cambodia: A Young Man’s Journey from Monk to Mechanic Nepal: Workshop on Strengthening Shelter Services Nepal: Photo Exhibition to Give Voices to Male Trafficking Survivors Cambodia: Cambodia Youth Empower Rural Communities USAID CTIP Programs […]

Tanzania Water Resources Profile

Tanzania is considered to be water abundant, however, heterogeneous climate and geology contribute to significant seasonal, interannual, and geographic variability in water availability and water quality challenges.

Senegal Water Resources Profile

Most renewable water supply is derived from surface water in five main drainage basins: the Senegal River, Gambia River, Casamance River, the Kayanga River, and the Sine Saloum. All of the basins flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

Mali Water Resources Profile

Mali has three main river basins: the Niger (47 percent), Senegal (11 percent) and Volta (1 percent). Approximately 41 percent of the country is in the Sahara Desert.

Madagascar Water Resources Profile

Madagascar is water abundant and is not considered water stressed at a national scale; however, there are regional water availability and water quality challenges.

Kenya Water Resources Profile Overview

Five basins account for 90 percent of Kenya’s total annual renewable supply. An estimated 75 percent of surface water originates as precipitation runoff from five “water towers” in central and western Kenya.

Afghanistan Water Resources Profile

Afghanistan manages its surface waters through five basins: Kabul, Helmand, Harirud-Murghab, Northern, and Amu Darya.

SUCCESS STORY: Increasing access to information about climate change

Vietnam is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. The densely populated coastal areas are exposed to tropical storms and saltwater intrusion, while increasing temperatures and worsening droughts and floods threaten food security and livelihoods. Although general awareness about climate change is growing, access to detailed and up-to-date information on […]

WESTool Success Story

USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity (SFB) in Cambodia developed the Watershed Ecosystem Service Tool. The WESTool is an online spatial planning tool with various layers of maps that allow users to interactively explore trends in regional land use change, evaluate the impact of past and future development on multiple ecosystem services, and weigh risks and […]

CASE STUDY – Learning and Knowledge: Improving Case Management for Sustainable Reintegration of Human Trafficking Survivors

The reintegration process for survivors of human trafficking should lead to sustainable reintegration, preventing re-victimization and re-trafficking. Though service providers generally have many years of experience and staff are well trained on case management, monitoring of countering trafficking in persons (CTIP) programs often reveals that many assisted survivors are not provided with a comprehensive range […]
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