
Participación y Asistencia a Nivel del País para Reducir el Trabajo Infantil (CLEAR II, por sus siglas en inglés) en Panamá
Según el documento que el USDOL publicó en 2016, titulado Conclusiones sobre las peores formas de trabajo infantil, Panamá ha logrado avances considerables para la eliminación de las peores formas de trabajo infantil. El gobierno panameño ha actualizado la lista de trabajos peligrosos para niños, ha firmado acuerdos con otros países para abordar el tema […]
Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) Child Labor II Project in Panama
Panama has made significant advances towards eliminating the worst forms of child labor according to the USDOL’s 2016 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor. The Panamanian government has updated the list of hazardous employment for children, signed agreements with other countries to address child labor, and ratified key UN conventions and the ILO […]
Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) Child Labor II Project in Jamaica
At the close of the 4th Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labor in November 2017, the Network of Focal Points of the Regional Initiative, Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor, of which Jamaica is a member, stood up to pledge its commitment to mapping national risks of child labor […]
Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) Child Labor II Project in Belize
According to the USDOL 2017 report, Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, the Government of Belize has made strides in the prevention of child labor. The government’s participation in social programs, such as Building Opportunities for Our Social Transformation, has strengthened Belize’s ability to eliminate child labor, while the country’s legislative efforts are […]
A-Report – Winrock RA compressed
The book contains information about how to use a self-assessment tool for oil palm companies to measure its performance towards palm oil production and is conducted internally by the companies. We named the tool as Aliansi Sawit Lestari Indonesia (ASLI) – Responsible Palm Oil Transformation Tool or A-Report. This book is a result of ASLI […]
A-Report – Winrock RA – Lampiran 8 Format Pengukuran Skor
The A-Report provides a set of a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that represent the key factors needed to assess sustainable practices. The A-Report covers three elements: an assessment checklist, a score-calculation system, and a report template.
A-Report – Winrock RA – Annex 8 Score Measurement Template
The A-Report provides a set of a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that represent the key factors needed to assess sustainable practices. The A-Report covers three elements: an assessment checklist, a score-calculation system, and a report template.
A-Report – Winrock RA – Annex 5 Lampiran 5
The A-Report provides a set of a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that represent the key factors needed to assess sustainable practices. The A-Report covers three elements: an assessment checklist, a score-calculation system, and a report template.
Sustainable Water Partnership Newsletter May 2018
Ramping up water infrastructure means looking beyond building new pipes and pumps. Natural infrastructure, like healthy forests, plays a valuable role in supporting clean water. Featured in this issue: Infrastructure Week: Don’t Forget Forests Crisis in Cape Town No Water, No Power Click here to subscribe to this newsletter.