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Winrock International


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SUCCESS STORY: PCCP-Assisted Fisherfolk Group Finds New Opportunity, Enforces Transparency and Accountability

Two years after this initial contact, in August 2017, the PCCP team introduced CANMARFOA to the Cantilan Bank, a microfinance institution that offers agri-value chain loans. “It was through the recommendation of Winrock International – PCCP that we were able to avail the services of Cantilan Bank,” said Mr. Azarcon when asked how it all […]

Toolkit #3: Water Security Planning

Water security planning aims to identify, define, evaluate, and choose water security activities in terms of: Mitigation of targeted priority water risks Direct and indirect benefits, positive and negative impacts and externalities Combined/cumulative benefits and externalities among various activities Socioeconomic and environmental impacts Direct and indirect costs, capacity, and resource needs Robustness in view of uncertainties of future […]

About Winrock International

Winrock International manages a portfolio of more than 100 agriculture, environment and social development projects in over 40 countries. It has annual revenue of $100 million, employing over 1,000 staff around the world managed from five Winrock offices and dozens of project offices. Winrock also manages a $50 million investment reserve, leveraging the proceeds of […]

Sustainable Water Partnership Newsletter December 2017

Panelists at “The Challenge of Too Little Water,” the second installment in the “Sustainable Water, Resilient Communities” series, discuss how flood resilience goes beyond mere survival. Featured in This Issue: – Saving Lives, Saving Livelihoods – SWP Launches Toolkit #2 – Keeping Heads Above Water – Responding to the Global Water Strategy

Engagement et Assistance aux Pays Pour Réduire le Travail des Enfants

Travaillant en collaboration avec les gouvernements hôtes, CLEAR II fournit une assistance technique pour réduire significativement le travail des enfants. Ce projet de quatre ans est financé par le Département américain du Travail (USDOL) et vise àsoutenir les objectifs décrits dans le dernier rapport de USDOL sur le travail des enfants.

Toolkit #2: Water Security Assessment

A water security assessment aims to enhance the understanding of water risks within a defined water security improvement (WSI) space (defined geography, actors, and risks). The approach and focus of a water security assessment process is informed and guided by the WSI space; it can be as exhaustive, specific, or rapid as necessary, depending on […]

Participación y Asistencia a Nivel País para Reducir el Trabajo Infantil (CLEAR II, por sus siglas en idioma inglés)

Al trabajar en colaboración con los gobiernos anfitriones, CLEAR II brinda asistencia técnica para lograr reducir de manera significativa el trabajo infantil. El proyecto de cuatro años está financiado por el Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos (DOL) y se esfuerza para apoyar los objetivos descriptos en el informe de trabajo infantil más reciente […]

CLEAR II Nepal: Bringing Prosecutors and Labor Inspectors Together to Address Child Labor

Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) CLEAR II is a United States Department of Labor-funded project implemented by Winrock International with partners Lawyers Without Borders and Verité. The project enhances government capacity to reduce child labor. In July 2017, the CLEAR II project collaborated with the Nepalese Department of Labor and the Nepalese […]

CLEAR II Nepal: Adapting to Shifting Government Structures and Priorities

The USDOL-funded global Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) Child Labor II project is a capacity building project that works with host governments in Liberia, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Panama, Jamaica and Belize to address child labor issues. Shortly after the launch of the CLEAR II project in April 2015, Nepal experienced a devastating […]

Toolkit #1: Improving Water Security

The Sustainable Water Partnership is proud to present Toolkit #1, a resource for working to improve water security.  This is the first in a series of six toolkits which present an effective and efficient process to address water risks, including long-term water stresses that constrain social and economic development and sudden shocks that can quickly […]
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