
Private Sector Engagement in the Water Security Improvement Process
Improving the sustainability of a watershed requires active engagement with all major water users — particularly private sector actors, which can be large, impactful and politically influential water users. However, engaging the private sector in broader water security efforts requires understanding their motivations and drivers, including their water risks and business opportunities.
SUCCESS STORY: Her Business is Growing
THANKS TO THE USAID-FUNDED PIRK II PROJECT, MUKOBO PATIENCE HAS BUILT A BETTER LIFE FOR HER FAMILY BY GROWING AND SELLING VEGETABLES The agricultural perimeter of Kingabwa is situated in the Malebo pool in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and constitutes an important livelihood and food source for thousands of farming households in the municipality […]
SUCCESS STORY: Climate-Smart Rice Supports Livelihoods and the Environment
Climate-smart rice is one of the innovative practices that VFD promotes to help increase farmers’ incomes, reduce harmful environmental impacts from chemical fertilizers and less pesticide, reduce seed and water needs, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
SUCCESS STORY: Piloting Development of Village Regulation for PFES Management and use in Thanh Hoa Province
Vietnam’s national payment for forest environmental services (PFES) policy has been implemented for more than five years, during which time forest managers have received payments from private sector companies to improve forest quality and support local livelihoods. In Thanh Hoa province, PFES payments have been made to communities, household groups, and forest management and protection […]
Clean and Efficient Cooking Technologies and Fuels
Winrock developed technical content for the USAID Energy Toolbox Cookstove Toolkit. The toolkit can be used by various stakeholders, but is primarily aimed at bringing USG staff and external project developers and implementers up-to-speed on significant developments in the cookstove sector in recent years. The goal is to showcase, through accurate and up-to-date information and […]
Lessons learned in cookstove financing and distribution through formal financial institution channels
In 2012 Winrock’s USAID-funded Developing a Sustainable Cookstove Sector project released a call for applications from organizations to develop innovative partnerships to address two major challenges that had been identified in a 2011 market assessment conducted by Winrock for USAID in Kenya – last mile distribution and financing for enterprises and consumers. As a result […]
Advanced Biomass Cookstove Distribution
The cookstove sector has evolved significantly in the past few years, with a strong commitment to higher quality technologies (including efforts to develop international voluntary standards) and market-based approaches. The sector has benefited from macro-level trends that facilitate distribution. Our research identified several trends that have improved cookstove distribution. This report elaborates on the interplay […]
Sustainable Water Partnership Newsletter September 2017
Achieving and maintaining water security is a fundamental development challenge. This toolkit, the first in a series of six, aims to inform stakeholders on water issues, and outlines SWP’s revolutionary Water Security Improvement process. Featured in This Issue: – SWP Launches Toolkit #1 – Making a Splash in Stockholm – SWP Blog Featured on ClimateLinks
SAFETI January 2017 – September 2021
SAFETI’s vision is that by 2021, the project will have supported efforts to significantly increase farmed shrimp and prawn productivity and national exports and production; an increase in the income of all value chain participants – particularly farmers but also input suppliers and others, and an improvement in the quality of exported shrimp and prawn.