Al trabajar en colaboración con los gobiernos anfitriones, CLEAR II brinda asistencia técnica para lograr reducir de manera significativa el trabajo infantil. El proyecto de cuatro años está financiado por el Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos (DOL) y se esfuerza para apoyar los objetivos descriptos en el informe de trabajo infantil más reciente […]
Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) CLEAR II is a United States Department of Labor-funded project implemented by Winrock International with partners Lawyers Without Borders and Verité. The project enhances government capacity to reduce child labor. In July 2017, the CLEAR II project collaborated with the Nepalese Department of Labor and the Nepalese […]
The USDOL-funded global Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce (CLEAR) Child Labor II project is a capacity building project that works with host governments in Liberia, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Panama, Jamaica and Belize to address child labor issues. Shortly after the launch of the CLEAR II project in April 2015, Nepal experienced a devastating […]
The Sustainable Water Partnership is proud to present Toolkit #1, a resource for working to improve water security. This is the first in a series of six toolkits which present an effective and efficient process to address water risks, including long-term water stresses that constrain social and economic development and sudden shocks that can quickly […]
In this guest post, David Purkey of the Stockholm Environment Institute gives us the history of water planning, from ancient times to today. Featured in This Issue: – What’s a Hydraulic Despot? – A Big Picture Look at Water Problems – A Stepping Stone Toward Security – Water Security & the Private Sector
“By their very nature, entrepreneurs strive for something bigger and larger than themselves to create something that has not existed before. We strive for no less. In the pages that follow, enjoy the successes and lessons from our journey in finding innovations, bringing them to market, and facilitating household adoption throughout Asia. We’re proud of […]
This year’s highlights include stories and statistics from our work around the world, including: Cambodia counter-trafficking, Indonesian solar, Nepal agriculture, worldwide forest degradation, innovation in America and Winrock events. We hope you’ll read and enjoy. To view the digital version of this report, click here.
In the first event of a four-part series, a panel of experts from SEI, IUCN, Tetra Tech and Mars Inc. discusses issues of water scarcity at Washington, D.C.’s Wilson Center. Featured in This Issue: – The Challenge of too Little Water – Water-Driven Conflict & Migration – Why Urban Areas Need WASH – Water & […]
Improving the sustainability of a watershed requires active engagement with all major water users — particularly private sector actors, which can be large, impactful and politically influential water users. However, engaging the private sector in broader water security efforts requires understanding their motivations and drivers, including their water risks and business opportunities.
THANKS TO THE USAID-FUNDED PIRK II PROJECT, MUKOBO PATIENCE HAS BUILT A BETTER LIFE FOR HER FAMILY BY GROWING AND SELLING VEGETABLES The agricultural perimeter of Kingabwa is situated in the Malebo pool in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and constitutes an important livelihood and food source for thousands of farming households in the municipality […]