
Assessing Demand for Solar Water Pumps in Kenya
The map above shows the lower range of Total Dynamic Head (a measure of the power needed to pump water) and the estimated population of farmers in each county.
KUSCCO INTRODUCTION 1. Umbrella Body for SACCOs. Over 5,000 SACCOs are members of KUSCCO 2. Represent SACCOs and lobby for their interest in front of Central Govt 3. Lender of Last Resort to SACCOs (incl. emergency loans) 4. Central Finance Fund – lending arm 5. CFF’s Green Energy Fund (Cookstoves, Solar, Solar Irrigation
KIWASH Approach to Solar Pump Financing for Smallholders
GOAL: Significantly impact the supply of water and sanitation services, and nutrition among poor urban and rural households in the 9 target counties