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Winrock International


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Guidance Document: Options for Nesting REDD+ Projects

We are pleased to announce the release of a new guidance document, Options for Nesting REDD+ Projects, published by Winrock International, with consultative guidance from VCS and Fundación Natura Colombia, and contribution from the The South Pole Group. This document builds on previous work on Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ to provide a suite of options for effectively integrating projects […]

Something Good Is Brewing In Burma

The USAID-funded Value Chains for Rural Development project helps smallholder coffee farmers increase quality and link to new markets, improving incomes and contributing to inclusive economic growth in one of Asia’s poorest countries.

CTIP Partner Coordinates Release and Repatriation of Enslaved Cambodian Bride

Case Study In November 2013, 27-year-old Srey Leap left Phnom Penh with four other Cambodian women for China.

Creating Change Together with Teachers

ARISE works to reduce and prevent child labor in tobacco-growing communities through education, economic empowerment, and more effective regulations and enforcement. However, a high level of child labor, particularly in agriculture, can be both a cause and a consequence of a weak education system. Where this is the case, the education system needs to be […]

Water, Energy & Infrastructure Hydropower

For more than 20 years, Winrock has provided technical support to and mobilized investments in mini-grids powered by micro- and small hydropower Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for emerging economies in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

Household Energy for Improved Health & Livelihoods

Some three billion people worldwide burn solid fuels for cooking and heating in open fires or traditional stoves. The resulting household air pollution causes over four million premature deaths annually and a range of chronic and acute health complications. Inefficient cookstoves also place pressures on ecosystems and forests, and contribute to climate change through greenhouse […]

Bioenergy Handout

Winrock has played a key technical and knowledge transfer role in sustainable bioenergy development for more than two decades. Our experts in forestry, agriculture, clean energy, enterprise development, and governance create the interdisciplinary teams needed to ensure that bioenergy delivers sustainable outcomes.

Clean Energy Brochure

Over the past 20 years Winrock has supported energy activities and programs in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brazil, Chad, China, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Macedonia, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Vietnam and the U.S.

USAID Clean Energy Program

The USAID Vietnam Clean Energy Program is USAID’s flagship 5 year initiative to promote a cleaner environment in Vietnam. Initiated in October 2012, its primary objective is to build capacity and strengthen the foundation for low emissions energy systems to contribute to the larger overall USAID goal of accelerating Vietnam’s climate resilience and achieve low […]

USAID Macedonia Clean Energy Investment Project

The USAID Clean Energy Investment Project (CEI Project) is three-year project, initiated in April 2013 that supports the Government of Macedonia (GoM) in implementing relevant strategies with the goal to increase investment in energy from renewable sources, and reduce Macedonia’s total final energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
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