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Counter Trafficking Newsletter, Issue No. 3

National Conference on “National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking 2015-2017: From Adoption to Implementation” National Convention of Peer Leaders and ANIRBAN World Day against Trafficking-in-Persons Training on Winrock Survivor Standards and GOB Shelter Standards Reducing unsafe migration

USAID LEAF Final Report

Over a five-year implementation period from 2011-2016, the USAID LEAF program delivered significant results against its overall objective of strengthening the capacity of target countries to achieve meaningful and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from the forestry-land use sector. USAID LEAF was implemented during a period of rapid evolution in the way governments, donors, […]

Partnering For Results

This paper identifies areas of cooperation that will help companies achieve their sustainability goals and support countries’ need to lower emissions from land use. The last five years have seen an encouraging surge in corporate commitments to deforestation-free supply chains. Adopting sustainability commitments is a lot easier, however, than achieving them. Many are finding that […]

Room to Learn South Sudan Teacher’s Key Information Cards Basic Literacy Skills Trainers’ Manual

This manual is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Winrock International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Room to Learn South Sudan Teacher Professional Development Basic Literacy Skills Trainers’ Manual

This training manual is designed to support teachers in their continuing professional development relative to literacy instruction. Sessions are grouped into specific topic blocks to provide teachers the opportunity to learn new instructional techniques to support them in their successful implementation of the National Curriculum literacy strand for lower primary classes. Between sessions, teachers are […]

EC-LEDS Spring 2016 Newsletter

In 2011 the Municipality of Kutaisi signed the Covenant of Mayors and joined this initiative, which aims to re-duce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020 – a goal that should be achieved in parallel with the city’s social and economic development.

Counter Trafficking Newsletter, Issue No. 2

Celebration of International Women’s Day 2016 Divisional Conference on Implementation of NPA andCTC’s Roles and Responsibilities National Conference on “NPA 2015-17 for Combating Human Trafficking: From Adoption to Implementation” Cricket Tournament on TIP awareness Prosecutors Trained on Trafficking in Persons and Protection of Victims’ Rights in Bangladesh

Role of Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use Mitigation in INDCs and National Policy in Asia

The 21st United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference (COP 21) that took place in Paris in December 2015 resulted in a historic agreement. 195 nations agreed to combat climate change and introduce actions and investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future. The Paris Agreement was built upon the submission of Intended […]

Room to Learn South Sudan Pastoral Education Program Study Report

In 2011, the people of South Sudan voted for independence from Sudan, creating the world’s youngest country. Despite independence, continuing conflict within its border and remaining devastation from decades of war with Sudan have left the country with critical humanitarian and development challenges. In terms of education, the 2008 Census of Southern Sudan reported that […]
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