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Winrock International

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Kicking illiteracy out of South Sudan

September 30, 2015|post

JUBA, Central Equatoria, South Sudan (September 2015) — The boy stood at the microphone reading the story of two kids and a lost ball. Confidence amplified his words as he loudly and clearly enunciated every word. Relishing the moment—with an audience captivated by the performance—Samuel Pitia David seemed energized by the buzzing crowd as they laughed […]

National Teach Ag Day

September 24, 2015|volunteer

How do you feed 7 billion people? Teach Ag! The National Teach Ag Campaign reminds us of the importance of agriculture worldwide. National Teach Ag Day (today, September 24) recognizes the women and men who are engaged in providing agriculture education and training, and who inspire others to consider or expand their careers in the […]

International Women’s Day

May 6, 2015|volunteer

In honor of International Women’s Day (March 8), check out some photos of women in action with the Farmer-to-Farmer program in Asia and West Africa! Winrock volunteers have directly assisted over 139,00 women in 56 countries. And 1125 of these volunteers were women themselves. We are proud of this legacy of supporting women in need around the […]

Good times with good people in Nigeria

April 24, 2015|volunteer

Darla Embry, Program Associate/Recruiter for the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) for Agriculture Education and Training Program, just returned from a trip to visit our F2F offices in Nigeria and Senegal and fondly shares some favorite memories from the trip: April 2015 brought me back to Abuja, Nigeria. What a great staff in the Farmer-to-Farmer office. Gelsey Bennett is […]
woman carrying water can

New water system brings safe, clean water to 30,000 villagers in Rwanda

March 27, 2015|post

A new water system in Mwiri and Rwinkwavu sectors of the Kayonza district, Rwanda, was officially inaugurated March 17 and will supply clean, safe water for 36 villages – including approximately 30,000 people, in addition to several schools, health centers and a major District hospital. The system is expected to decrease water prices – in […]

A Very Big ‘Thank You’ from Nigeria

February 19, 2015|volunteer

Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Michael Lowery recently returned from his volunteer trip in Nigeria, where he provided training to the Association of Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions of Nigeria (ANMFIN) on agricultural value chain financing. With this training, ANMFIN hopes to be able to develop a model for agriculture lending, train its members on the model, and ultimately increase lending for agriculture […]

Interesting Experiences in Burma

January 6, 2015|volunteer

From Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Daniel Miller recently provided training on improved small ruminant farming practices for goat farmers in Burma (also known as Myanmar). In today’s blog post, Dan describes some of the things he saw and experienced in country: “Burma has some of the most interesting experiences that someone could wish for.  The Delta area is well worth […]
A man cuts a customer's hair.

Counseling, Training Give Skills — and Hope — to Trafficking Survivor

November 26, 2014|post

Kiri (not his real name) is earning about the equivalent of $90 (USD) monthly as a barber and is planning to expand his efforts and profits by raising chickens. Just a few years ago, however, he was a poor farmer and his future was not nearly so promising. Like many farmers in central Cambodia’s Kampong […]
Winrock News

On #GivingTuesday, Winrock-Implemented Room to Learn Project to be Part of Microsoft’s #YouthSpark Initiative

November 25, 2014|post

(November 25, 2014) — Winrock International is excited that the Room to Learn – Education for Youth in South Sudan project will again be included in Microsoft’s #YouthSpark initiative, meaning it is eligible for #YouthSpark’s #GivingTuesday campaign this year. Microsoft will provide a 100-percent match for donations between $10 and $500 to the Room to […]

Maximizing the benefits of improved cookstoves: moving from acquisition to correct and consistent use


Shankar A, Johnson M, Kay E, Pannu R, Beltramo T, Derby E, Harrell S, Davis C, Petach H. Maximizing the benefits of improved cookstoves: moving from acquisition to correct and consistent use. Glob Health Sci Pact. 2014;2(3):268-274. To maximize the energy-saving and potential health impacts from improved cookstoves (ICS), the stoves must first be acquired, […]
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