SWP to host “Water as a Tool for Resilience in Times of Crisis” at the Wilson Center
RSVP to attend May 14, 10 am EST, at the Wilson Center or watch the webcast
About 90 percent of USAID’s water priority countries are conflict-affected or fragile. Last year, over 60 million people around the world were affected by more than 280 natural disasters. Effective water resource management is complex in times of peace and prosperity. Effective water resource management in a time of crisis—whether war or disaster—can mean the difference between building resilience or compounding tragedy. Please join the Environmental Change and Security Program, USAID’s Sustainable Water Partnership, and Winrock International for a discussion on where the challenges lie and what practitioners and policymakers can do to bolster effective water management for the world’s most vulnerable communities.
Want to attend but can’t? Tune into the live or archived webcast on this page. The webcast will be embedded at the start time of the event. If you do not see it when the event begins, please wait a moment and reload the page. Archived webcasts go up approximately one day after the meeting date.
Media guests, including TV crews, are welcome and should RSVP directly to Amanda.King@wilsoncenter.org. Media bringing heavy electronics MUST indicate this in their response so they may be cleared through our building security and allowed entrance.
Join the conversation on Twitter by following @NewSecurityBeat using the hashtag #disasterresilience.
Abigail Jones
Water & Sanitation Advisor, Water Office, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment, USAID
Cynthia Brady
Senior Peacebuilding and Conflict Advisor, Center for Resilience, U.S. Agency for International Development -
David DeArmey
Director of International Partnerships, Water for Good -
Basil Mahayni
Deputy Director, USAID Sustainable Water Partnership, Tetra Tech -
Erika Weinthal
Lee Hill Snowdon Professor of Environmental Policy, Duke University
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