Volunteer Post
Inspiration and Generous Donations
Jen Snow
Winrock Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Anais Troadec traveled to Guinea in Nov/Dec 2012 to provide organizational development training for rice growers cooperatives/unions and beekeeping cooperatives. During her time in Nialya, Guinea, she formed strong bonds with the women, men, and children in the village.

Inspired by her trip, Anais returned to the US and spoke about her assignment at a meeting of the Hot Springs Village branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Before her eyes, her inspiration led to others’ inspiration… and the AAUW group, in turn, made a donation of over $1400 to support the kids in Nialya!
Anais explains,
“I spoke about the culture, tradition and women’s issues in this small village, and about the school. I had asked for donations for school benches and uniforms (especially for girls) so that more children can attend school in the little village. What a surprise when they gave me this check today!”
Anais and Winrock field staff will work with the community to put together a plan for how to allocate the funds. In the meantime, let us be grateful for Anais’ passion and service, and for the compassion and generosity of the AAUW members who also wanted to contribute to improving lives. Thank you!!
These smiling faces inspire us, too.