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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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October Volunteer of the Month

October 17, 2017

Dr. Steven Kovach has been a dedicated Winrock volunteer for the past three years. Before retiring, he devoted a large part of his career to international development by working for USAID and Peace Corps, two organizations that are well known for utilizing volunteers to aid people in developing nations. Through Farmer-to-Farmer, Steven has coached youth […]

International Day of the Girl Child

October 11, 2017

October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child. Today we celebrate our Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers and recognize how they have empowered thousands of women to become more knowledgeable and skilled agriculture professionals. Winrock’s volunteers work to build the skills of women and men through training in agriculture entrepreneurship, agriculture technologies and production techniques, soft skills including […]

Putting Knowledge and Theories into Practice

October 10, 2017

This was my first volunteer project with Winrock International and it was a wonderful experience. The staff and personnel at Winrock, both state-side and in Nigeria, were both professional and caring. Logistics, accommodation, arrangements, etc. were well planned and executed. I especially appreciated the support and mentoring of the Country Director in Nigeria—Mike Bassey. He […]

Humbled by Farmers’ Commitment

October 4, 2017

This week’s blog comes from F2F volunteer, Daniel Laney, who trained 45 farmers (80% female) in Nepal on improved goat management techniques. I have recently returned from Nepal where I served as a Winrock International/USAID Farmer to Farmer volunteer in the Surkhet area of the country. This marked my 17th trip to Nepal, but my […]

Sharing is Learning

September 29, 2017

This blog comes from F2F volunteer, Dr. Steven Pao, a Food Science Professor at California State University, Fresno. Dr. Pao recently volunteered in Nepal where he trained dairy farmers (63% youth) from Sana Kisan Krishi Sahakari Sanstha Ltd. on clean and hygienic milk production, safe dairy product development, product diversification, and product marketing. Mr. Dhruba Koirala, Cooperative […]

A Simple Way To Grow Food: Sack Gardening

September 26, 2017

Dr. Anna Snider traveled to Kaduna, Nigeria over the summer to work with  Winrock International host organization, Awakening Nigeria for Agro-Allied International (ANAAI),  a women’s group that promotes sustainable and smart agriculture in urban communities. Dr. Snider provided train-of-trainers in homestead vegetable gardening using sacks and containers. After the training, Yahaya Hamman, host member, commented the following “This training […]

Honoring Winrock Volunteers on National Teach Ag Day

September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017 is National Teach Ag Day; a day to celebrate the impact agriculture educators make in their schools and communities. Agriculture teachers are key to developing essential life skills in students so that they will be successful problem solvers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and agriculturalists. On this special day, Winrock International honors our outstanding volunteers […]

September Volunteers of the Month

September 15, 2017

Winrock’s September Volunteers of the Month are dynamic duo, Dr. Jonathan Deenik and Dr. Glen Fukumoto. They both come from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and volunteered together this summer in Myanmar, providing training to 77 farmers in Hmawbi Township on soil quality improvement techniques, including soil fertility management and composting using poultry and […]

Building Resilience Through Improved Soil Quality

September 14, 2017

Winrock volunteers, like Dr. Jonathan Deenik and Dr. Glen Fukumoto, are helping to #endhunger by building farmers’ resilience through improved soil fertility management and composting applications. On a recent technical assistance assignment in Myanmar, the volunteers had the opportunity to work closely with two farmer organizations. The organizations attracted approximately 130 farmers, local government agents, […]

Flexibility, Communication, and an Enthusiastic Approach to Overcoming Challenges in Guinea

September 12, 2017

My assignment was a five-day training for extension agents on the safe use of pesticides and integrated pest management strategies for mitigating pests of horticultural crops. Initially, my assignment was to take place in the Kindia region but was relocated to Conakry to accommodate beneficiaries experiencing budget changes. Because of the last-minute change, I was […]
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