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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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The Price of a Dream

April 6, 2015

Today’s blog post is from BoDavid Williford (pictured above, center), who recently completed a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer assignment in Bangladesh: “As my time in Bangladesh comes to an end, I am left with a new phrase that I don’t plan to leave in Dhaka.  After numerous conversations with students at the International University of Business Agriculture […]

March Volunteer of The Month

March 31, 2015

For this month’s Volunteer of the Month, we honor Kirk Astroth (above center), Assistant Dean and Director of Arizona 4-H Development at the University of Arizona. A couple of us first met Kirk in January 2014. We were instantly struck by his warmth and passion for youth development. After spending just an hour with Kirk, […]

The Joy in Participation Was Palpable

March 23, 2015

Dr. Scott Haskell shares how his Farmer-to-Farmer assignment in Myanmar impacted him: I was happy to see my assignment progress from the very first day to the last! What fantastic work, help and evaluation everyone at the Myanmar Livestock Development Company [my host organization] provided me!  The joy in participation was palpable. I felt honored […]

The Blessing of Education

March 23, 2015

Get ready to be inspired! Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Dr. Leslie Edgar, Associate Professor and Director of International Programs at the University of Arkansas, shares her thoughts after completing her assignment in Bangladesh:  “Some days it is hard for me to count all the blessings I’ve been given. Today, was one of those days. I’ve spent the past week […]

“More effective than I expected”

March 19, 2015

A Note about My Second Trip to Bangladesh 2015, by Dr. Y. Martin Lo, Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer in Bangladesh: “My assignment was quickly adjusted due to political strike on the street, yet it turned out to be more effective than I expected. The leaders at Winrock office and CCBA (Cold Chain Bangladesh Alliance) were highly instrumental and dynamic […]

National Agriculture Day

March 18, 2015

We are continuously inspired by the excellent technical work and the lasting people-to-people connections forged by Winrock’s Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers. What better day to celebrate their efforts than today, National Agriculture Day! Since 1991, Winrock volunteers have completed more than 5,400 assignments in 56 countries. Each of our volunteers has played an important part in strengthening […]

Volunteer of The Month: February 2015

February 26, 2015

Horticulture expert Gipsy D’Urzo returned last month from West Africa, having completed Winrock’s first volunteer assignment in Senegal for the Farmer-to-Farmer for Agriculture Education and Training Program, funded by USAID. Winrock is grateful to have shared this milestone with Gipsy, and to have experienced her expertise and enthusiasm. “It was interesting to be the first […]

A Very Big ‘Thank You’ from Nigeria

February 19, 2015

Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Michael Lowery recently returned from his volunteer trip in Nigeria, where he provided training to the Association of Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions of Nigeria (ANMFIN) on agricultural value chain financing. With this training, ANMFIN hopes to be able to develop a model for agriculture lending, train its members on the model, and ultimately increase lending for agriculture […]

Supporting Business Incubation in Nepal

February 17, 2015

A team of graduate students from Thunderbird School of Global Management is in Nepal for an exciting five-week assignment with the Kathmandu University School of Management.  Their blog provides insights on their assignment tasks and day-to-day experiences. Check it out! We look forward to following their progress and seeing the results of their great work!

Breaking Ground in Senegal

February 12, 2015

We are pleased to have just completed our first Farmer-to-Farmer for Agriculture Education and Training (F2F for AET) assignment in Senegal! Volunteer Matilde D’Urzo describes her experience in the blog post below: “It is my first time in Senegal. I also happen to be the first volunteer for Winrock’s F2F for AET Program in this country. I […]
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