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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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Strengthening AET Leaders in Guinea

February 12, 2015

In the fall of 2013, Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) volunteers worked with the USAID/Guinea Agriculture Education and Market Improvement Program (AEMIP) and faculty from the Institut Supérieur Agronomique Valéry Giscard d’Estaing de Faranah (ISAVF) to conduct an institutional assessment of ISAVF and to develop an action plan outlining important interventions to enable ISAVF to emerge as a center […]

Integrated Pest Management in Nepal

February 9, 2015

Today’s blog post comes from Dr. Thomas Shanower, reflecting on his recent Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer assignment in Nepal: “My assignment in Nepal was to work with two farmer groups on improved pest management. Specifically, it was to conduct training for trainers to utilize the Farmer Field School approach for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The goal of […]

30 Years of Farmer-to-Farmer

February 2, 2015

This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program. Winrock has been a core implementer of the program since 1991; our volunteers have completed over 5,400 assignments in 56 countries, impacting more than 8.2 million people. I’m honored to have been personally involved with the program for the last 15 years, and […]

Meet the F2F Staff in Guinea

January 29, 2015

Every Thursday morning at 9:00 CST (that’s 3 PM in Guinea) a Skype call originates from Winrock’s headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas and connects staff in the US with colleagues in Guinea. The weekly discussion of volunteer assignments and logistical arrangements is often accompanied by the sounds of birds chirping and Conakry traffic in the […]

Volunteering opens a window of opportunities

January 22, 2015

Today’s blog post comes from F2F volunteer Gurbinder Gill: I have grown up in one of the nearest neighboring countries to Nepal but had never been before. My first volunteer work was with the Winrock (USAID-funded) Asia Farmer-to-Farmer Program.  I visited many places and people during this assignment period and consulted with private seed companies. I […]

Rewarding Experiences in Burma

January 7, 2015

“It has been rewarding to work with producers that are enthusiastic about learning new practices that may assist them improve their socioeconomic wellbeing. I am hopeful some of what I offered will result in real improvements in the emerging Myanmar avocado industry. It is rewarding to see the collaboration of the leadership at MFFVPEA, Winrock-Myanmar, […]

Interesting Experiences in Burma

January 6, 2015

From Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Daniel Miller recently provided training on improved small ruminant farming practices for goat farmers in Burma (also known as Myanmar). In today’s blog post, Dan describes some of the things he saw and experienced in country: “Burma has some of the most interesting experiences that someone could wish for.  The Delta area is well worth […]

Make Room for the Cows

December 29, 2014

Today’s blog post comes from Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Terry Wollen: When it comes to improving human nutrition and family income, few livestock production endeavors can beat dairy production. However, when it comes to dairy production in Bangladesh, there is competition between the land to grow food for the human population and that for feedstuffs that satisfy […]

A Token of Love from Nepal

December 17, 2014

At the end of her assignment with an agricultural university in Nepal, Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Susan Pavlin reflected on the connections she made and future impacts of her work. She shares her thoughts in the blog entry below: “At the end of my first class at Tribhuvan University’s Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, I was […]

The Man with Three Hats – Improving Goat Production and Adding Value in Rural Burma

November 26, 2014

Mr. Robert Spencer, a small ruminant specialist from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, recently returned from his second visit to Burma (also known as Myanmar) as volunteer for the USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer program. During Mr. Spencer’s first visit, he worked with the Myanmar Livestock Federation to help Burmese farmers enhance their knowledge in two areas: nucleus […]
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