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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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F2F Bangladesh: A tremendous opportunity

November 19, 2014

Volunteer Reddy Bommineni completed a Farmer-to-Farmer assignment in Bangladesh, providing in-service training to staff from the Central Disease Investigation Laboratory under the Department of Livestock Services. Reddy shares his thoughts from his assignment in the blog post below: It was a tremendous opportunity to be immersed in the country of Bangladesh. As a poultry veterinarian […]

One Team, One Goal: Working with an ag university in Nepal

November 7, 2014

Today’s blog post comes from Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer David Ending, who worked with the Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) in Nepal to help develop an evaluation action plan. After his first week in country, David explained: Coming to Nepal is a tremendous opportunity to learn with university staff. Having worked on and off in Africa for […]

Something Different in Bangladesh

October 30, 2014

Today’s blog entry is from volunteer Dan Miller, who describes some of the sights and activities from his time in Bangladesh: The first impression that you get when you get out of the airport in Dhaka is that Bangladesh is very crowded. You would be right. A country slightly smaller than Louisiana has almost half […]

Friendly People in a Lovely Country

October 24, 2014

“Thank you very much!”, said the trainees in my GMP for Food Safety workshop in Bangladesh when I attempted to greet them with “Assalamu Alaikum.” That’s exactly how friendly people are in this lovely country with beautiful agriculture land. While the traffic on the road is second to none, i.e., everyone in the country is […]

Supporting Avocado Production in Burma

October 20, 2014

Drs. Jonathan Crane and Randy Ploetz, members of the University of Florida Tropical Research and Education Center, recently completed volunteer assignments in the Shan State region of Burma (also known as Myanmar), as part of the USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer program. During this two-part assignment, volunteers in the fields of avocado production and disease management were requested […]

Empowering Farmers in Nigeria

October 16, 2014

Dr. John Lindquist went to Kaduna, Nigeria in September to complete a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer assignment with hosts Doreo Partners and Babban Gona, to build the capacity of their technical teams in maize and rice production. Doreo Partners invests in businesses that increase the profitability of smallholder agriculture. To this end, Doreo created an entity called […]

The World is Small When You Have the Internet

October 13, 2014

In January 2014, Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) volunteer Dr. Andrew Sánchez Meador provided training to faculty and post-graduate students from the Continuing Education Center of the Agriculture and Forestry University of Nepal. One of the training participants recently reached out to Winrock’s F2F Nepal staff to share how this training has impacted him personally and professionally:

Meet the Bangladesh F2F Staff

October 8, 2014

Volunteer Mike Frinsko offers a nice introduction of our hardworking Bangladesh Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) staff: Finishing my first USAID-funded F2F assignment in Bangladesh, I worked on summarizing my experience working with the in-country F2F staff. The short answer is “they’re fantastic!” After nearly three weeks, I’ve had virtually no glitches with my assignment, have always felt […]

Great Being Back in Bangladesh

October 3, 2014

In today’s blog post, Jonathan Moyle shares vivid reflections and beautiful photos of his recent Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer assignment in Bangladesh: It has been great being back in Bangladesh. To smell the humid tropical air and feel the vibrancy of the cities and towns as the people go about their everyday lives, is something that has […]

Building Awareness to Create Change in Bangladesh

September 23, 2014

My work with the CREL project here in Bangladesh has allowed me to visit all the top destinations of the country many do not get to see. The floodplains of the South-west region just outside the Sundarbans mangrove forest, home to the famous Bengal Tiger. The wetlands, forests, and tea plantations of Srimongol in the […]
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