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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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Happy New Year

December 30, 2013

In 2013, Winrock Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers completed 150 assignments, providing training and assistance to more than 8,000 individuals in 12 countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These volunteers have left lasting impressions and invaluable knowledge to help transform agricultural practices, agribusinesses, and livelihoods. In Bangladesh, one host organization notes, “Winrock’s F2F volunteer technical assistance created wider […]

Creating a Ripple in Burma

December 20, 2013

Volunteer Rick Peyser had a wonderfully fruitful and inspiring assignment in Burma (also known as Myanmar) last month with Winrock’s USAID-funded Asia Farmer-to-Farmer Program. Rick describes his trip quite eloquently:

International Volunteer Day

December 5, 2013

Today we celebrate the thousands of Winrock volunteers who have dedicated their expertise, time, and hearts to helping people in need around the world. Volunteers Leanne Wiley and Allyn Lamb, both of whom volunteered with the USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer program in Nigeria, share what international volunteering has meant to them:

Why Volunteer Internationally?

December 4, 2013

This week, in honor of International Volunteer Day, we asked some of our volunteers to reflect on the value of volunteering abroad. Today’s blog comes from Kenton Ayers, who has completed five assignments with Winrock’s USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer programs in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Nigeria.

Giving Tuesday

December 2, 2013

To continue last week’s reflection of thanks, Winrock is participating in Giving Tuesday –which starts tomorrow. Everyone can participate in a few ways: Donate your time as a volunteer. You will gain as much –if not more– than you give! Current opportunities are posted at Make a donation to one of Winrock’s projects via […]

Many Reasons to Give Thanks

November 25, 2013

In honor of this week’s Thanksgiving holiday, Winrock’s Director of Volunteer Technical Assistance, Demetria Arvanitis, shares her thoughts on the spirit of volunteerism and many reasons to give thanks.

Good Teamwork in Liberia

November 15, 2013

Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Istvan Keri recently returned from a trip to Tappita, Liberia, where he worked with the USAID-funded Liberia SHOPS program and a local farmers’ cooperative to test and introduce low-cost irrigation models for oil palm seedlings and vegetable cultivation. In his photos, below, you can see the beauty of the land and people.

A Positive and Unique Experience

October 30, 2013

Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Vince Bailey recently returned from his assignment in Bangladesh. He shares his first impressions below: My time volunteering with Winrock in Dhaka, Bangladesh was amazing. The staff at the Winrock office in Dhaka, Bangladesh were so very friendly and hospitable. The office staff always made sure I was comfortable and given necessary means […]

Lasting Legacies

October 11, 2013

Last week we ended a five-year phase of our Farmer-to-Farmer program in Mali and Nigeria. During this time of transition, F2F staff and volunteers are all reflective of the work that we have done in the last five years and of the relationships formed and lives transformed, both for the developing country beneficiaries as well […]

Site Visits in Bangladesh

September 20, 2013

We were fortunate to have staff from USAID visit our Farmer-to-Farmer program in Bangladesh. It was great to be able to see the progress made by many of our program beneficiaries, as a result of volunteer assistance. Here are some photos from visits with different organizations:  
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