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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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Celebrating International Volunteer Day

December 5, 2012

It’s International Volunteer Day! Today we send extra thanks and appreciation to the nearly 2,500 Winrock volunteers who have given their time and expertise over the years. Demetria Arvanitis, Winrock’s Managing Director of Volunteer Technical Assistance, published a blog last week in the Huffington Post, highlighting how volunteers can change lives (including their own)! Check […]

Powerful Words of Appreciation

November 21, 2012

“Neither the light of the sun nor the light of the moon is as bright as the light of knowledge brought to this village today by Tiborko Sanogo!” –A powerful statement made by Yaya Kone, Wuyanion Cooperative member, at the end of a six-day training on sustainable sheep farming in Lofine, Mali. Yaya was one […]

Our Spirited Farmer-to-Farmer Team in Mali

November 9, 2012

A few of Winrock’s home office staff traveled to Mali to work with our Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) staff for a week. It is always nice to spend time face-to-face and to see first-hand how our programs are progressing and making an impact in country. We asked our field staff to reflect on their jobs and their […]

Another Successful Assignment in Bangladesh

October 30, 2012

Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) volunteer Dr. Sanjay Shah visited the vermicomposting facility of Jyoti Development Foundation (JDF) during his assignment with Human Resource Development Organization (SETU) in Bangladesh. JDF is a humanitarian organization providing services for the disadvantaged, orphan and street children. SETU Program Manager Mr. Debesh Chandra Sarkar will use what he learned from Dr. Shah […]

World Food Day

October 16, 2012

Today is October 16, World Food Day. A reminder for each of us to consider the daunting task of making sure that the world’s 7 billion men, women, and children can eat. On this day in particular, we ask ourselves, “how can I make a difference?” One answer is to volunteer. Over the last 21 […]

International Day of the Girl Child

October 11, 2012

October 11 is the (first ever) International Day of the Girl Child. Over the years, our volunteers have made a difference in the lives of many girls, whether it be by providing agricultural, entrepreneurship, or skills training to youth (girls and boys), or by increasing incomes and food security at the household level –to ensure […]

Greatly Overfed from Priceless Interactions

October 3, 2012

“I have experienced every emotion that a volunteer receives from people eager to be fed and who soak up knowledge and transferred technology like a sponge and eager for more. Every time I do one of these programs, I am exhausted at the end of the day but my adrenalin level is high and I […]

Seeds for a Better Future

September 18, 2012

Volunteer Stella Salvo traveled from Wisconsin to Mali to work with local seed producers, farmers, and researchers to provide training on the development of hybrid seeds which can significantly increase crop yields. This kind of activity is so important in a country that suffers from high incidence of malnutrition, poverty, and drought. Stella’s assignment was […]

Big Impacts

September 14, 2012

Winrock Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers are leaving a big impact all around the world. Volunteer Terry Gipson recently traveled to Mali to work with a farmers cooperative on dairy goat microenterprise development. He provided information and technical assistance that will change the lives of many farmers who will now be able to supplement their household diets and […]

Inspiration in El Salvador

August 29, 2012

“The assignment in El Salvador offered me a unique opportunity to work closely with indigenous people who share many of the same challenges of the American Indians, Alaska Natives and Pacific Islanders who have been the focus of my professional career. The wonderful spirit of the people I met, their joy in everyday life and […]
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