Volunteer Posts

National Day of Service
January 21, 2012
“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. Today is the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, and this weekend marked the National Day of Service. In honor of both, here are some photos […]
Sharing Expertise, Forming Human Bonds in Ethiopia
January 20, 2012
Winrock staff in Ethiopia share some thoughts on our Farmer-to-Farmer program: Farmer-to-Farmer Ethiopia has fielded several expert volunteers to increase capacity along the poultry, meat, dairy, and beekeeping value chains in Ethiopia, working with local NGOs, government research institutes, and the private sector, among others. Assignments have ranged from conducting poultry value chain assessments to […]
How a recent assignment in Bangladesh benefited one volunteer
January 6, 2012
“This assignment provided me with a number of professional and personal contacts. It has strengthened my passion to continue giving back to the community especially the underprivileged people of the world.” -Dr. Leonard Obaldo, volunteer in Bangladesh
A year full of volunteer adventures
December 29, 2011
As we embark on the new year, we are reflecting on the many wonderful volunteer adventures from the past… from post-harvest processing and nutrition lessons in Nigeria… …to strawberry production assistance in El Salvador… …and potato production demonstrations in Bangladesh. We look forward to new adventures in 2012! Happy New Year from the Winrock Volunteer […]
Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2011
Happy holidays and thanks again to all of our hardworking, dedicated volunteers! We look forward to more adventures with you in 2012!
We would love to hear your volunteer stories!
December 22, 2011
Volunteers are the heart of our Farmer-to-Farmer programs. The unique perspective of each volunteer, and the people-to-people exchange inherent to international volunteerism, are what make these programs successful. The stories we hear from each volunteer remind us every day why we do what we do; and we hope these stories can inspire others to get […]
Volunteer service award
December 19, 2011
Congratulations to volunteer Judy Moses who recieved a service award from the Volunteers for Economic Growth (VEGA) alliance this year! Winrock is so grateful for your time and energy!
Training fish farmers in West Africa
December 6, 2011
Volunteer Bill Nichols shares thoughtful & humourous stories from his recent trip to Mali. (Thanks for your hard work, Bill!) “In mid October 2011, I arrived in Bougouni, a town of 25,000, in a mainly cotton growing region of southern Mali. My task was to assist a newly formed fish farming cooperative with business training. […]
A volunteer birthday celebration in Bangladesh
December 2, 2011
Our Bangladesh team was so pleased to be able to celebrate with our volunteer, Dr. Obaldo, on his birthday last week! We hope we made him feel at home on this milestone though he was far away from home!
Happy Thanksgiving – and ‘thank you’ to all of our volunteers
November 23, 2011
This Thanksgiving (and always!), we are all so very thankful for our wonderful volunteers! Thank you for all that you do! You have each truly made a difference!