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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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Happy Fourth of July!

July 4, 2019

As many of us in the U.S. will be BBQing and watching fireworks with friends and family on this 4th of July holiday, I’d first like to give a big THANK YOU to four of our volunteers who will spend the holiday volunteering in Guinea, Ghana, and Senegal. We appreciate you! The USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) […]

When Life Gives You Melons…

June 26, 2019

For about 5 years, the USAID Value Chains for Rural Development (VC-RD) project, implemented by Winrock International, has been supporting the melon value chain in Myanmar along with grantee Myanmar Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Producer and Exporter Association (MFVP). In 2016 and 2017, VC-RD and MFVP hosted various melon production volunteers, including Dr. Timothy Coolong, […]

Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Staff!

June 19, 2019

Continuing on with our Field Staff introductions- we are now doing a series on our excellent accountants. They make sure our finances are in order and our day to day operations move smoothly. As is true of most of our field staff, they work closely with colleagues that they have never met, including at HQ […]

Reaching Out

June 12, 2019

As I am stepping into my eighties, I recognize nothing more rewarding than being associated with scientific research and being able to reach out and help our society and the international community. The latter became possible for me via the wonderful oyster mushroom.  I am thankful for the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program, funded by USAID, for […]

Pesticide Safety for Palm Oil Farmers

June 5, 2019

From April 22 to May 8, 2019, I had the pleasure of working on a USAID Farmer-to-Farmer assignment in Nzerekore, Guinea, West Africa.  The implementer for the assignment was Winrock International and this organization took very good care of me.  After departing the capital, Conakry, my driver, translator, and I traveled 1000 kilometers by road […]

Lasting relationships

May 29, 2019

Ms. Neelam Canto-lugo, adjunct professor at Yuba College in California, signed the agreement with EnerGaia on May 12, 2019, to provide financial support that will help develop women contract farmers for household production of spirulina in order to generate new income opportunities and empower women in rural Bangladesh. EnerGaia is a private company focusing on […]

Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Staff!

May 23, 2019

The fourth in our series of introductory blogs again comes from Senegal, which has the largest number of Winrock F2F staff in-country.  My name is Youssouph Sane and I’m one of the Winrock Drivers. After I earned a Baccalaureate degree I joined the Army for two years where I got my military driving license which […]

Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Staff! (Series)

May 15, 2019

Our third intro blog from the field this week comes from Senegal, a country which speaks over 36 different languages!  My name is Ndiame Sene (Patrick) I am from a village named Nianing, located south of Dakar. I grew up there until I got my Baccalaureate from our village high school called Lycee Demba Diop. […]

Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Staff! (Series)

May 8, 2019

This is the second installment of introductory blogs written by our wonderful field staff. Today is from our friendly driver from Nigeria!   My name is Ndah Blessing, a staff of Winrock in Nigeria since November 2011. All things being equal I should graduate with a BSc in Mass Communication by the year 2020 from the […]

Meet our Farmer-to-Farmer Field Staff! (Series)

April 30, 2019

We are a few months into the newest cycle of Farmer-to-Farmer, a program that along with our skilled volunteers, could not be accomplished without the hard work of those in the field. Over the next few months, we will introduce you to some of the amazing people that help make the volunteer’s assignment run so […]
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