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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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Enhanced Market Opportunities for Mango Farmers in Burma

October 16, 2018

October 16th is World Food Day, a day to promote awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and a lack of food security. Through USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program, Winrock volunteers are helping contribute to #ZeroHunger by sharing their expertise in sustainable agriculture methods and post-harvest loss reduction. Their efforts help smallholders increase productivity and […]

September Volunteer of the Month

October 12, 2018

Brian Boman was nominated by the Winrock Team because he embodies the ideal traits of a volunteer: technical excellence, flexibility, and passion. His volunteer work truly reflects Winrock’s mission to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity and sustain natural resources.  Brian specializes in water management for agricultural crops and has provided capacity building for local institutions in multi-user irrigation system design; helping […]

Lessons Learned from Farmer-to-Farmer Implementation in Bangladesh

October 1, 2018

As Winrock bids farewell to the Asia Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program, we would like to share the learning and impacts of the program in Bangladesh. Dr. Janet Henderson summarized her experiences facilitating the Bangladesh F2F Host Learning Event in Dhaka in August 2018. The workshop was designed to summarize key hosts’ successes and innovations, as well […]

Transitions in Asia

September 28, 2018

It is a bittersweet post today, as we wrap up 5+ years of inspiring and impactful work with Farmer-to-Farmer in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Myanmar. In these five years, Winrock volunteers have completed 313 volunteer trips and donated over 6,300 days of time to train and assist 19,184 farmers, teachers, extension agents, entrepreneurs, and youth. This […]

Being a Winrocker and F2F family member; one of the best choices, ever, in my life

September 27, 2018

August 17, 2018. It was a rainy day in Yangon. Winrock’s F2F staff, from the head office and Asia region, and volunteers hugged each other and said ‘bye’ from their hearts in the Yangon airport lobby. I remembered the day I finished my final examination in University; all the friends were happy as we had […]

Bangladesh Learning Event

September 24, 2018

As the Asia Farmer-2-Farmer Project comes to a close after 5 years, we sent a volunteer to facilitate a Learning Workshop with some our amazing hosts in the country of Bangladesh. Below are some of Dr. Henderson’s Lessons Learned:  In August 2018, I traveled to Bangladesh to facilitate an in-country workshop as part of the final-year impact and lessons […]

An Exercise in Curriculum Development

September 20, 2018

We were fortunate to spend two weeks in Nepal working with Professor Binayak Rajbhandri and HICAST University, helping them to enhance their Masters in Agribusiness curriculum that will help develop entrepreneurship skills in their students.  We were both drawn to the program due to our collective experiences in entrepreneurship, higher education, and agribusiness.  Over the […]

Cassava Production in Bangladesh

September 18, 2018

PRAN/PABL (PRAN Agro Business Limited), a food processor and agribusiness company decided to grow cassava crop for its industrial expansion and needed a volunteer to train the young women entrepreneurs involved in this project. This sounded familiar me, as I was introduced to the production and processing of cassava tubers into gari and tapioca by […]

Improved Breeding Bull Management and Dairy Cattle Rearing

September 6, 2018

It was my pleasure to serve as Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer in Bangladesh from January 26 to February 11, 2018. The assignment was coordinated by Winrock International with sponsorship by USAID, United States Agency for International Aid. The host recipient, BRAC Artificial Insemination (AI) Enterprise,is one part of  Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee (BRAC), the largest NGO in […]

Market Value Chains of Small Ruminants

September 5, 2018

My last visit to Mali was in 2013, and there has been significant change since then. In Bamako, construction has progressed rapidly, and outside Bamako, roads are now in good shape and services, along those roads, are much more available.  Use of cell phones is ubiquitous and is one of the most important factors responsible […]
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