Volunteer Post
Winrock Volunteer Named Chief
Jen Snow
Friday, February 24, 2012 was like an ordinary day to many, but to Winrock International Nigeria, it was a day of double awards. The Pan African Society for Rural Development Sustenance and Social Protection (PASRUDESS), a local NGO operating in Nigeria, honored Winrock International and the Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Mr. Kristofer Fricke, in appreciation for their contribution to capacity building in agriculture and rural development.
At the closing ceremony arranged by the government of Oyo State, volunteer Kris Fricke was conferred with a chieftaincy title as the Soyindoro – The one that turns honey to wealth – by the traditional council of Ibadan Southwest Local Government of Oyo state, Nigeria. This conferment came as a result of a successful completion of his volunteer assignment and his dedication to helping the people he came to train. Kris provided training on queen rearing and honey production, and also took some time to teach members of Igbalode Beekeepers Association how to use honey by-products to make honey wine, candle, cream, and soap. These products were proudly displayed in a mini exhibition held within Oyo State.
The photo below shows Chief Kris Fricke being honored by the Mayor of Oyo State. What an unforgettable experience!