Winrock Plans Active Participation at Paris Climate Negotiations
The latest round of U.N. climate change negotiations is quickly approaching. This round represents a significant milestone because it is the deadline for reaching a new international climate agreement. Winrock International is gearing up to actively engage — hosting sessions on the importance of forest degradation, as well as low emission development and land use. Winrock staff have been invited to speak at a number of additional side events to share their work and views on topics such as REDD+ and INDCs, standard setting, reference levels, and private sector finance in REDD+. More information on each event, as follows:
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 10:30 a.m. – noon
REDD+ as INDC Strategy
Robert O’Sullivan, Winrock Deputy Senior Director of Environment, will discuss the role of forests and land use as part of a country’s contribution to climate change mitigation.
IETA and WBCSD Business Hub, Conference Centre Blue Zone (Pavilion n4, Hall 3)
Thursday, Dec. 3, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Forest Degradation: Discussion of Global Significance and Responses
At this event hosted by Winrock International and IUCN, Ken Andrasko, Winrock Senior Director of Environment, will discuss new preliminary findings on the significance of forest degradation. Emissions from degradation are globally more important than previously thought and a leading source of emissions for many countries. Winrock’s Brian Bean, LEAF Chief of Party, will follow with an explanation of tools and methodologies to help countries decide when to examine degradation and how to account for it. The event will conclude with a discussion among country representatives about the significance of degradation in their countries, challenges they face, possible solutions, and policy implications. Panelists include: Yaw Kwakye, Head of the Climate Change Unit, Ghana Forestry Commission; Dr. Clement Chilima, Director, Forestry Research Institute of Malawi; Angelo Sartori, Chief Technical Officer, Forest Management CONAF, Chile; and Chris Dragisic, REDD+ Focal Point, U.S. Department of State.
IUCN Pavilion, Conference Centre Blue Zone
Friday, Dec. 4, 8:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Engaging Men and Women in REDD+ Businesses: Effectively Addressing the Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation
At this IIED event, Ken Andrasko will chair a session on the development of reference levels with speakers from Mozambique, the University of Edinburgh, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia.
Mercure Paris La Villette Hotel
Friday, Dec. 4, 2 – 3:45 p.m.
Engaging Men and Women in REDD+ Businesses: Effectively Addressing the Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation
At this IIED event, Robert O’Sullivan will speak on a panel about REDD+ and the private sector, discussing financial gaps and policy options to engage the private sector.
Mercure Paris La Villette Hotel
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 5 & 6
Winrock staff will be present throughout the forum, will host an informational table on Dec. 6, and will participate in the AFOLU Working Group booth as part of the Nature and Climate Change Pavilion.
Sunday, Dec. 6, 7 – 9 p.m.
Low Emission Land Use Development at the Jazz Club Etoile
Winrock and the LEDS Global Partnership AFOLU Working Group will host an evening of networking and discussion on low emission development for land use. Speakers and attendees include representatives from the U.S. Department of State, Government of Panama, Government of Vietnam, USAID LEAD Program, RECOFTC, USAID LEAF Project, and Winrock International.
Jazz Club Etoile, 81 Boulevard Gouvion Saint-Cyr, 75848, Cedex 17 (directly across the road from the Global Landscape Forum in Le Méridien Etoile)
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP.
Winrock Staff Attending the Paris Negotiations:
Ken Andrasko, Senior Director of Environment, leads Winrock’s Environment Group. He is a specialist in analysis and implementation of programs to assess and mitigate climate change — especially from forestry and agricultural practices — in the U.S. and globally. Previously, he worked for six years in the World Bank’s Environment Dept. and Carbon Finance Unit as a core founder of the $850 million Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), assisting more than 40 tropical countries developing national programs to reduce deforestation and greenhouse emissions, known as REDD+.
Robert O’Sullivan, Deputy Senior Director of Environment, helps manage Winrock’s Environment Group. He is a multidisciplinary climate change expert with experience covering development of forest carbon standards, climate finance, law and policy, and project due diligence and contract negotiation. Previously, he led the Finance and Carbon Markets component of the USAID-funded Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities program; was Executive Director at Climate Focus; and counsel at the World Bank.
Brian Bean, Chief of Party for the USAID Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) Project, is a member of Winrock International’s Forestry & Natural Resource Management unit and currently serves as Chief of Party of the USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) program, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the forestry and land use sector in six countries of southeast Asia. He is responsible for coordination and oversight of a broad team of experts and stakeholders to develop sustainable strategies for forest and natural resource management and livelihood development within the context of global climate change.
Jessica Chalmers, Senior Associate, works to identify opportunities to address sustainability challenges in the agriculture and energy sectors. She is currently leading the design and development of program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support sustainable livelihoods in the palm oil sector. She has served as a member of expert groups within the Global Bioenergy Partnership and holds a Lead Auditor certificate from the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials.