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Winrock International


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Winrock Mourns the Passing of David W. Kaiser (1969-2020)

July 21, 2020

Trailblazing climate advocate and longtime Winrock Board member, David W. Kaiser, passed away on July 15, 2020 at a family home on Mount Desert Island, Maine. He was 50 years old. Mr. Kaiser is survived by his mother, Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, also a former Winrock board member; a sister, Miranda Kaiser; his wife, Rosemary Corbett, […]

The People of PIER: Susan Nurhasanah

July 16, 2020

What is your role in the PIER project? I’m the private finance consultant, focusing on the PIER project in Indonesia. I supported the country assessment for Indonesia, helped identify potential projects and, together with the project lead, developed a project implementation plan. I’m part of the on-the-ground team implementing the project, and I manage our […]

Trafficking Survivor Creates Fund for Migrants in Bangladesh

July 14, 2020

Saiful Islam grew up the youngest of seven children in a poor family in the Rangpur District of Bangladesh. He became a supervisor after completing his higher secondary education and he passed his bachelors exam, too. But after receiving his degree, he wasn’t able to find a job. With no other options, he began to […]

The People of PIER: Natalie Rice

July 2, 2020

What is your role within the PIER project? I am the communications intern. I’ve been working on blog interviews about the team (like this one), beefing up our social media footprint, designing creative infographics, and any other tasks that the team could use my help with. What excites you about the project? I never really […]

Surviving Human Trafficking

July 1, 2020

By Dinara Saliyeva Razia (name changed to protect her identity) crouched behind the bushes along a highway in Kazakhstan, hiding every time a car passed by. She was determined to escape, fearful that her “owner” was chasing her and that she might have to return to the meaningless existence she had been trapped in for […]

United States, Jamaica Engage in First Annual Child Protection Compact Partnership Bilateral Dialogue

June 30, 2020

June 16, 2020 – The United States and Jamaica continue to partner on efforts to combat child trafficking.  Representatives of both governments convened an online discussion to mark progress and define next steps as part of the U.S. – Jamaica Child Protection Compact Partnership, a 4-year partnership signed by both governments on May 30, 2018. The […]

SWP Publishes Five Studies  To Support Evidence-Based Decision-Making in the Mara River Basin

June 25, 2020

As demand for water continues to grow and climate change makes water availability less predictable, water security is an increasing challenge  around the world. While many countries would like to adapt their water management strategies to respond to this challenge, a common hurdle is a lack of reliable data to support evidence-based decision-making. This problem […]

Innovative Cooperative Project Multiplies USAID Water Security Impact in Nepal

June 24, 2020

This year marked the completion of an innovative USAID project aimed at improving cooperation between USAID projects in Nepal around the shared goal of water security. Facilitated by the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), which is implemented by Winrock International, the two-year Integrated Water Management Activity (IWMA) worked with 10 USAID projects to improve water security in two target watersheds in western […]

The People of PIER: Meghan Doherty

June 24, 2020

What is your role within the PIER project? My primary role is acting as the team’s resilience coordinator. I support with research and project design to ensure PIER interventions have a clear tie to climate risk and include activities that enhance resilience. In addition, I lead the monitoring and evaluation work for the project. I […]

Innovative Cooperative Project Multiplies USAID Water Security Impact in Nepal 

June 24, 2020

This year marked the completion of an innovative USAID project aimed at improving cooperation between USAID projects in Nepal around the shared goal of water security. Facilitated by the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), which is implemented by Winrock International, the two-year Integrated Water Management Activity (IWMA) worked with 10 USAID projects to improve water security in two target watersheds in western Nepal. Though Nepal […]
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