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Winrock International


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Tracking a hog badger with the help of a camera trap.

A Glimpse at a Previously Unknown World

February 11, 2016

Andong Kraloeung is a must-see eco-tourism site located in the remote hills of the Seima Protection Forest in Mondulkiri province. Unknown to most until recently, Andong Kraloeung is home to a unique collection of incredible plants and animals. And its beauty is now available for all of Cambodia — and the world — to see. Seen above is […]
Winrock News

The Power of the Sun

February 11, 2016

Joshua Okundi works hard to earn a living — growing crops such as corn, passion fruit, bananas and mangoes. He also has two fish ponds, where he raises tilapia. Like many smallholder farmers in Kenya, Okundi was spending a significant sum for fuel to run his diesel irrigation pumps, eating into his modest profits. Now, thanks […]

Accelerating Arkansas Entrepreneurs

December 31, 2015

Synopsis: Accelerating Scalable Ventures in Arkansas One of the first questions any venture capitalist will ask an entrepreneur pitching a business idea is this: what problem is your company trying to solve? In the case of, founder and CEO Justin Delaney had a straightforward answer. Quite simply, his online tuxedo rental company aimed to […]
Bangladesh Program to End Modern Slavery Climate Change AugroJatra-1

Preserving Guyana’s Remarkable Forests

December 31, 2015

Synopsis: Help Guyana Forestry Commission develop a national Forest Carbon Monitoring System Among the last things you can expect to see along the road headed south from the Guyanese city of Linden is a living, breathing human being. In large part, that is because the deeply rutted dirt road to Brazil cuts through thick forest […]

Tackling Child Labor

December 31, 2015

Synopsis: Reduce exploitative child labor in Liberian rubber sector Mercy Dahn was 9 years old when she began working on her father’s rubber farm in Liberia. At first she dug holes and planted young trees, but as she grew older, the tasks grew more difficult and dangerous. She worked with acid that irritated her skin, […]

Opening the Tap in Tanzania

December 31, 2015

Synopsis: Tackle root causes of poverty in rural areas by linking demand-driven Multiple-Use Water Services (MUS) with impact-boosting health and livelihoods programs Sarai Jacobi’s days used to be utterly predictable. Each morning at 7, she would leave her home in Nyakonge, Tanzania and walk four kilometers with her donkey to collect water for her family […]

Staying Cool In Pakistan

December 31, 2015

Synopsis: Cold chain development program linking horticultural and fishery production Safina Bibi is comfortable being a trailblazer. In 1984, Bibi became the first — and remains the only — woman owner of a cold storage facility in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province. This is no small achievement in male-dominated Pakistan. But just as important is the fact […]

Taking Burma’s Coffee Global

December 31, 2015

Synopsis: Integrate smallholder farmers into commercial value chains to increase productivity Armed with a clipboard and a finely-tuned nose and taste buds, Craig Holt began the hard work of determining the potential of Burma’s coffee growers. Holt, owner of Seattle-based Atlas Coffee Importers, was in Rangoon, Burma (also known as Myanmar) as a volunteer judge […]
The ARK logo

Fayetteville — Site of Winrock’s ARK Challenge — Among Best Cities to Found Startups

December 14, 2015

(December 14, 2015) — Fayetteville, Ark., was one of the best cities in America to found a startup in 2015, according to a ranking released this month. Tech startup DataFox had the popular Northwest Arkansas city No. 3 on their list of 15 cities outside of New York City or Silicon Valley. Winrock International, through […]
Bangladeshi woman and child

Winrock in elite company for public-private partnerships in Asia

December 2, 2015

Winrock International is one of four finalists for a prominent award recognizing outstanding public-private partnerships in the Asia Pacific region. The winner will be announced Dec. 3. The PublicAffairsAsia Gold Standard Award for Public-Private Partnership, sponsored by Hewlett-Packard, “reflects the growing importance of public private partnerships in areas such as health promotion, environmental protection and […]
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