Suzanne Siskel, Rick Leach Join Winrock International’s Board of Directors, Accept 5-Year Appointments
October 14, 2013
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (October 14, 2013) — Winrock International is pleased to announce the elections of Suzanne Siskel and Richard “Rick” Leach to its board of directors. Siskel and Leach both accepted five-year appointments. Siskel, executive vice president and chief operating officer of The Asia Foundation, and Leach, president and chief executive officer of the […]Building a Culture of Democracy
September 12, 2013
Note: The region of Southern Sudan referenced here is now the Republic of South Sudan, since gaining independence in 2011. BRIDGE activities such as these provided valuable support to communities as they made the transition to independence. As the members of a newly formed Community Action Group in Abyei Village in Southern Sudan lined up behind […]Winrock-Implemented Project Featured on USAID Impact Blog
August 6, 2013
(July 17, 2013) — Facing limited educational opportunities in rural Nepal, the Education for Income Generation (EIG) project allowed Sitara to learn how to read and write and get training in agriculture production. Her income has significantly increased and she is even able to put money in savings. Read her full story on the Impact […]American Carbon Registry Issues First California Registry Offset Credits
August 6, 2013
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (August 5, 2013) — The American Carbon Registry (ACR), an approved California Offset Project Registry, has issued the first Registry Offset Credits (ROCs) of the California compliance offset program. ROCs are eligible to be transitioned to Air Resource Board (ARB) compliance Offset Credits, which can be used by California entities to help meet their emissions […]New Winrock-Led Center Will Train and Help Fund 30 Small Businesses in Louisiana
August 6, 2013
CAMERON PARISH, La. (March 6, 2013) — A new Winrock-led center in Cameron Parish, La., will train, assist and help fund 30 local small businesses. The Cameron Local Enterprise Assistance and Recruiting Center is the result of an investment by the Delta Regional Authority to support Cameron’s economic community, which has struggled since 2005’s Hurricane […]Malian Seed Producer Helped by Winrock Volunteers
August 6, 2013
(June 28, 2013) — Two Winrock Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers helped a Malian seed producer become successful while contributing to Mali’s food security. Her story, One Woman’s Success Means Thousands Can Eat, is featured on the U.S. Agency for International Development’s website within its “Transforming Lives” section. Read the full Features Winrock Accelerator Projects
August 5, 2013
(July 31, 2013) — analyzed Arkansas’s startup scene in a column by Erica Swallow that was published online today. Among others, Swallow featured Innovate Arkansas and The ARK. Innovate Arkansas, a program of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and Winrock International, aims to encourage technology-based innovations and create jobs in Arkansas. The ARK business […]New Food Products Reduce Waste and Address a Growing Demand
July 2, 2013
In recent years, the demand for ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat food has increased in Bangladesh. Considering the country’s huge population and an increasing urban demand for time- and labor-saving food products, vast potential exists for more companies to engage in production of these items. In addition, production of frozen and ready-to-cook food items can help reduce […]Winrock Supports the Fight Against Human Trafficking at Conference in Dhaka
July 2, 2013
(July 2, 2013) — Winrock International and USAID/Bangladesh organized a national conference in Dhaka to support the fight against human trafficking and improve the implementation of anti-trafficking laws in Bangladesh. Along with U.S. Ambassador Dan W. Mozena, Winrock’s Carol Michaels O’Laughlin participated in a discussion centered around the implementation of the 2012 Human Trafficking Deterrence […]Recap of Twitter Chat on Youth Employment in Agriculture
June 12, 2013
(June 12, 2013) — Winrock’s Carol Michaels O’Laughlin joined other development experts yesterday in a live Twitter chat to discuss the topic of “Youth Employment in Agriculture.” The Agrilinks #AskAg Twitter Chat brought together Rachel Blum of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Karen Brooks of The International Food Policy Research Institute, David Feige of […]