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Winrock International

Embedded at COP25

Winrock experts were an impressive presence at the latest global climate summit

At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 25, held December 2-13 in Madrid, Winrock experts spoke at multiple events on many of the defining topics of COP25: carbon markets, community-led adaptation, and private sector engagement in adaptation. Michael Cote, Meghan Doherty, Mary Grady, Chris Hancock, John Kadyszewski, Jennifer Norfolk and Anmol Vanamali were all in attendance and Winrock hosted an official side event, “Financing NAP Processes,” moderated by Michael Cote, project director of the State Department-funded Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) project.

At the Bangladesh Pavilion, Jennifer Norfolk, associate director of forestry and natural resource management, highlighted Winrock’s use of participatory climate vulnerability assessments (PCVAs) as part of the USAID Bangladesh Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods project.

The American Carbon Registry‘s (ACR) Deputy Director Mary Grady and Director John Kadyszewski spoke about carbon markets, ACR and the new Architecture for REDD+ (ART) initiative at multiple events hosted by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy. Grady and Kadyszewski also joined Emergent executive director Eron Bloomgarden and ART board chair Frances Seymour for a panel hosted by the International Emissions Trading Association.

Michael Cote, Meghan Doherty and Anmol Vanamali spoke at multiple events about the PIER project and private sector engagement in adaptation planning, financing and implementation. In general, COP 25 displayed an impressive showing of Winrock expertise.

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