Sandra Brown Seminar on Financing Resilience
A year ago, Winrock International lost one of its valuable and visionary voices. Senior Scientist Dr. Sandra Brown, who died February 13, 2017, developed innovative methods to evaluate the environmental benefits of improved land management. She came to Winrock because she wanted to see the results of her research applied to benefit people around the world. Her pioneering work on the role forests play in the global carbon cycle shaped the way we understand the forces behind climate change today.

It’s in the spirit of such pioneering science that Innovation@Winrock was born. Subtitled the Sandra Brown Seminars on Technical Leadership in Development, Innovation@Winrock is a series of events hosted by Winrock showcasing topics of international importance to development and the environment. Check out the Innovation@Winrock mini-site here.
The seminars and webinars will explore best practices, emerging models and advancements in the international development sector. At each event, leading thinkers and innovators will present new concepts and approaches before opening the floor to questions and discussion.
The series continued Tuesday, February 13, with “Financing Resilience: Where is the Return on Investment?” Speakers Michael Cote, project director of the U.S. State Department-funded Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) program, Noor Ullah, global head of agriculture for the social impact investing firm Acumen, and Elizabeth Teague, the social and environmental performance manager of Root Capital, explored new ideas that can reduce investment risks in a changing global climate. To watch a video of the seminar, click here. For more information, visit Innovation@Winrock, and click here to register.
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