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Winrock International

Legacy Project

Attaining Lasting Change for Better Enforcement of Labor and Criminal Law to Address Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (ATLAS)

The ATLAS project is a global initiative that has worked in four countries across Latin America, Africa, and Asia to strengthen enforcement of labor and criminal law to address child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. ATLAS works collaboratively with host governments to bolster the legal and criminal frameworks surrounding these issues, improve the enforcement of these laws, and facilitate coordination among law enforcement actors. These activities include training, technical assistance, and other support in targeted areas unique to each country, informed by robust pre-situational analyses and evidence-driven interventions.

Funder: U.S. Department of Labor

Project Timeline: January 1, 2019 - June 30, 2024

Countries: Thailand, Liberia, Argentina and Paraguay

Program Areas: Child Labor Prevention, Human Rights, Education & Empowerment  and Countering Trafficking in Persons (TIP)

Contacts: Rocio Cordova Reategui, and James Yekeh,

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Project Goals

Strengthened labor and/or criminal legal frameworks concerning child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking

Improved enforcement of the labor and/or criminal legal frameworks, specifically related to child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking

Increased coordination among government, law enforcement and social protection entities to address child labor, forced labor, and/or
human trafficking