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Winrock International


Thailand Regional Agriculture Innovation Network (RAIN)

Funder: USDA

Project Timeline: September 19, 2022 - August 31, 2027

Country: Thailand

Program Areas: Agriculture and Entrepreneurship

Contact: William Sparks,

Download Info Sheet

The USDA-funded Thailand RAIN project identifies, validates, scales and shares agricultural technologies and practices that have been validated through a rigorous, evidence-based, participatory process known as “5-S:”

  1. Source
  2. Support
  3. Scale
  4. Sell
  5. Share

RAIN validates agricultural technologies, builds the capacity of private and public sector actors to disseminate tech to farmers, and supports farmers in adoption of tech. RAIN works with sub-partner Michigan State University to implement this project in eight provinces in Thailand across three important agriculture value chains: rice, cassava and fruit. The goal is to increase productivity, profitability, and trade opportunities in the Thai agriculture sector, and ensuring a steady supply of quality materials to American enterprises.