Legacy Project
PPP for 4Gs
Funder: European Union
Project Timeline: December 23, 2013 - December 22, 2017
Country: Nepal
Program Area: Agriculture, Resilience & Water
Contact: Badri Nath Baral, BnBaral@winrock.org
The hilly city of Ilam in eastern Nepal is known both for its expansive tea production and its environmental consciousness. Those two themes come together in this public-private partnership to establish a new municipal waste management system. The project will establish a partnership between Ilam Municipality and the private sector that fuels commercially driven solid waste management. Funded by the European Union’s Switch Asia program and assisted by Winrock’s technical support, the sustainable solid waste management system includes small and medium-sized businesses that utilize compost for tea and vegetable cultivation and, as a result, create green jobs. Once successfully implemented, this innovate approach will be a model for Nepal’s other municipalities.