USAID’s Esho Shikhi Activity
USAID’s Esho Shikhi Activity will increase learning opportunities, enhance teaching quality and teaching learning materials to improve quality education in selected subjects, strengthen the capacity of field-level mentors to deliver quality education, and improve school communities’ ability to mitigate and manage the effects of shocks and stressors on education access and quality.
Esho Shikhi will use a flexible and tailored approach in marginalized and vulnerable communities to address the needs of schools to improve the learning outcomes of children in select subject areas (including Bangla) in grades 1-5, with a special focus on grades 1-2, in consultation with the Directorate of Primary Education, the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and the U.S. Agency for International Development in Bangladesh. Esho Shikhi will engage parents and communities to increase learning opportunities for their children outside of the classroom. The project will help communities mitigate hardships including disasters and/or pandemics to maintain continuous access and quality of education for their children. Esho Shikhi will complement the Government of Bangladesh’s Fourth Primary Education Development Program and support the government’s commitment to improve teachers’ ability to deliver quality instruction. The project will train master trainers, who will subsequently train 20,000 teachers from 10,000 schools in over eight divisions, 15 districts, and 80 Upazilas to enhance the quality of their teaching while providing high-quality learning materials.
USAID’s Esho Shikhi Activity is made possible by the generous support of the American people, MoPME, DPE, and the Government of Bangladesh to improve student learning outcomes of marginalized Bangladeshi children in crisis-affected marginalized communities.
Funder: USAID/Bangladesh
Project Timeline: November 18, 2021 - November 17, 2026
Country: Bangladesh
Program Areas: Human Rights, Education and Empowerment and Education
Contacts: Drake Warrick, and Esho Shikhi Home Office Management team,