Winrock International announces 2023 staff photo contest winners
The most exceptional entries in the Landscape, Portrait, Action Shot, and Caption categories.
At Winrock, we believe in the power of a well-told story. Throughout human history, storytelling has been our best tool for relating, remembering, teaching, influencing and connecting. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. This was the origin of the 2023 Winrock photo contest. Entries could focus on any aspect of our work. We were looking for striking, thought-provoking images that convey our mission and illustrate the impact of our programs. The contest was open to all Winrock staff, and we encouraged colleagues worldwide to submit their images.
The response was overwhelming, reflecting our global team’s dedication to sharing the impacts they witnessed. The submissions did more than visually depict a scene; they narrated the stories of communities, environments and initiatives at the heart of Winrock’s mission.
Our panel of judges (a volunteer photojournalist, members of Winrock’s communications team, and Joyjit Deb Roy, acting president and CEO of Winrock) evaluated the submissions. Together, they identified the most exceptional entries across four categories: Landscape, Portrait, Action Shot, and Caption. All entries were visually engaging and impressive, which made the judges’ task of selecting the finalists challenging! We extend a heartfelt thanks to all participants for their role in furthering Winrock’s mission and enhancing global awareness of our efforts to improve lives worldwide.
The Best Overall Entry will receive special recognition by being featured prominently in Winrock’s 2024 Annual Report; Winrock’s social media platforms will feature other winning entries throughout the year.
Ultimately, this contest was not just about finding the most visually appealing photographs. It was about finding those stories that best encapsulated the spirit of Winrock — images that could speak a thousand words about who we are, what we do and our impact on the world.
Best Overall Entry: Photo by Arpona Ghosh For Winrock International
Visual Theme: Human Rights

Best Caption – Photo by Sumon Francis Gomes for Winrock International
Visual Themes: Women’s Empowerment, Entrepreneurship

Best Landscape – Photo by Thao Le Thu for Winrock International
Visual Themes: Climate Change and the Environment

Best Action Shot: Photo by Irene Ofosu-Ennin For Winrock International
Visual Themes: Climate Change and the Environment, Research and Innovation — such as new and digital technologies — In Action

Best Portrait: Photo by Arpona Ghosh For Winrock International
Visual Themes: Human Rights

*Note: informed consent was obtained by Winrock project staff for the publication of each of the images.
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