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Winrock International


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Nepal Renewable Energy Programme (NREP)

Energy is a key driver of Nepal’s economy, and renewable energy can play a significant role in helping the country grow its economy, reduce poverty, diversify its energy mix, meet climate goals, and build societal resilience. The Nepal Renewable Energy Programme was designed to support efforts by the Government of Nepal and the private sector…

Assessing Forest Carbon Offsetting potential in Puerto Rico’s Para la Naturaleza (PLN) Land Trust

Forest restoration is a key tool in mitigating the harmful is a key tool to mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change. In Puerto Rico, Winrock is supporting Para La Naturaleza (PLN), a forest conservation and environmental education land trust that works to protect, restore and sustainably manage Puerto Rico’s forest land. Winrock is helping…

Development of Methods and Protocols for Calculating the Carbon Sequestration Benefits of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Projects

Preventing habitat degradation and restoring landscapes can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Winrock International is developing methods, protocols and a tool to calculate the annual carbon benefits of conservation and restoration projects funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, a key conservation funder in the US. This tool will also be essential for companies…

Attaining Lasting Change for Better Enforcement of Labor and Criminal Law to Address Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (ATLAS)

The ATLAS project is a global initiative that has worked in four countries across Latin America, Africa, and Asia to strengthen enforcement of labor and criminal law to address child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. ATLAS works collaboratively with host governments to bolster the legal and criminal frameworks surrounding these issues, improve the enforcement…

Uganda REDD+

In Uganda, agricultural expansion and demand for wood energy have led to widespread loss of forest cover. Winrock is supporting Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment to establish programs to reduce deforestation and forest degradation by encouraging climate-smart agriculture, increasing sustainably sourced wood supply, and advancing co-management between local communities and protected land managers. The…

Building Safe Agricultural Food Enterprises (B-SAFE)

Food safety – the proper handling, preparation and storage of food – is imperative to prevent food-borne illness and disease outbreaks. The B-SAFE project works with the Government of Philippines to provide agencies with the tools and information needed to implement evidence-based risk analysis, helping the government meet obligations under domestic law and international food…

Delta I-Fund II

With a mission to positively impact communities throughout the eight-state, 252-county territory of the Delta Regional Authority (DRA), the Delta I-Fund II provides a platform for the creation and launch of high-growth companies, spurring economic development and job creation. The I-Fund is a proof-of-concept business accelerator training program designed to assist teams and potential start-up…

USAID Laos Counter Trafficking in Persons (USAID Laos CTIP)

In Southeast Asia, Laos is a primary source and, to a lesser extent, a transit and destination country for women, children and men who are subjected to trafficking in persons. Especially in the southern part of the country, Lao trafficking victims are often migrants seeking opportunities abroad who then experience labor or sexual exploitation in…

Safe Migration in Central Asia

Rising poverty and unemployment in Central Asia has increasingly led laborers in the region to migrate in search of work. Unfortunately, migration often leaves workers vulnerable to exploitation. The five-year Safe Migration in Central Asia activity aims to strengthen the mutual accountability of governments, NGOs and the private sector in efforts to prevent trafficking in…

Climate Pathways Project

Around the world, governments are working toward a more climate-friendly future by developing strategies to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Winrock and its partners are helping jurisdictions in the Under2 coalition in Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Argentina to develop long-term ‘decarbonization pathways’ that promote continued socioeconomic growth. At the same time, these pathways promote the reduction…
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