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Winrock International


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Jamaica-U.S. Child Protection Compact (CPC) Project

The United States Department of State and the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) pledged in 2018 to jointly prevent and respond to child trafficking in Jamaica. The U.S. government supports Winrock International as well as partners Lawyers Without Borders and the University of the West Indies to carry out protection and prevention activities under this partnership.…

Delta Understanding and Preventing Substance and Opioid Use Disorder in Rurality (Delta UPSOAR)

The opioid crisis in the United States threatens health and prosperity in communities of all sizes and families of all socio-economic backgrounds. Like much of rural America, north-central and northeast Arkansas suffers high rates of opioid misuse and limited access to preventative education and recovery resources. Delta UPSOAR is an innovative and local response specifically designed to […]

Creating Linkages for Expanded Agricultural Networks (CLEAN)

Using a value chain approach, the Creating Linkages for Expanded Agricultural Networks (CLEAN) is working to improve the agriculture sector in Laos. The project facilitates private investment in supply chain infrastructure to increase production, reduce post-harvest losses and improve quality compliance and certification systems, and develop linkages and increase demand for clean and safe horticulture…

Increasing Rural Access to Finance for Productive Energy Use

Small and medium enterprises account for more than three-quarters of employment in Nepal, but the sector is suffering from an unreliable energy supply. Winrock International is providing technical support to a microfinance institution to increase access to finance for businesses and households that use climate-resilient technologies. Investing in small and medium enterprises for productive uses…

ILRG Cocoa Bridge Phase

Cocoa farming is at risk in Ghana due to climate change, aging plantations, new pests and diseases, land degradation and deforestation. Winrock is continuing its work with Tetra Tech ARD and private-sector partners Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. (ECOM) and the Hershey Company to demonstrate how improving land tenure, tree tenure, and financing cocoa rehabilitation can improve […]

TerresEauVie / RISE II Water Security and Resilience Activity

Led by Winrock’s Sustainable Water Partnership, the USAID Water Security & Resilience activity will enhance social and ecological risk management systems in Africa’s Sahel region through three components: improved water security, enhanced sustainable productive land use, and improved management of shocks, risks and stresses. The activity will improve the availability of, access to, and safe…

Senegal Dekkal Geej (Restoring the Sea)

A sixth of Senegal’s population relies on fisheries for their livelihood, yet the sector faces challenges posed by poor fisheries management practices and increasing domestic and international demand for fish. The Senegal Dekkal Geej project is working with local fishers, the Senegalese government and the private sector to improve food security, increase incomes and strengthen…


Forest conservation and restoration represents a gigaton-scale mitigation opportunity that could transform the fight to slow climate change. To attract large-scale finance for reducing global deforestation, a credible system is needed to reward countries for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). ART aims to unlock new long-term financial flows for forest countries to […]

Safaa Pani

Winrock International is supporting USAID Nepal and the Social Empowerment and Building Accessibility Center (SEBAC) by providing quality assurance and quality control to the ongoing construction of water schemes in Nepal. In addition to assessing more than one hundred water schemes for construction quality and environmental risks, Winrock will provide capacity-building training sessions for local…

Vietnam Blue Carbon

To aid its transition to resilient, sustainable development, Vietnam is developing a carbon payment for forest environmental services (C-PFES) policy. Under this program, eligible forest owners will receive payment for the services their forests provide in absorbing and storing carbon from the atmosphere. Mangrove forests are key in enhancing the resilience of coastal countries in […]
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