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Winrock International

Legacy Project

Protecting Peatland Forest Through a Social Forestry Scheme in Siak, Indonesia

Funder: Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA)

Project Timeline: August 3, 2020 - November 30, 2021

Country: Indonesia

Program Areas: Agriculture, Resilience and Water , Access to Finance, Clean Energy and Circular Economy, Forestry and Natural Resource Management and Climate Change

Contact: Meyru Bhanti,

The draining of carbon-rich peatlands in Indonesia for agriculture has led in recent decades to increasingly large fires and greenhouse gas emissions. Winrock is working with local communities to develop a set of peatland Social Forestry schemes in Indonesia’s Siak District to overcome the barriers to sustainable peatland forest management and promote the protection of these important ecosystems. The project will establish these Social Forestry schemes as a scalable approach that can be used in other forested peatland areas in Indonesia.