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Winrock International

Winrock’s Top 10 stories of 2022

Winrock’s 2022 was filled with innovation, initiative and impact across our organization’s portfolios. Here are the top 10 most-clicked stories of 2022: 

  1. ART issues world’s first jurisdictional forestry carbon credits to Guyana
  1. USDA awards $45M to Winrock International to expand climate-smart agriculture in Malawi and Thailand
  1. Fighting human trafficking and migrant exploitation in cyber space
  1. High-quality coffee from Laos: Coming soon to a specialty café near you?
  1. ACR carbon markets 101: Additionality and baselines for improved forest management projects
  1. Preserving peatlands: A hidden key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  1. Land, water, life: Supporting communities to improve water security and resource management as the climate changes

8. Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) 2021: The year in review 

9. Partnering with Vietnam on environmental protection, pollution reduction and climate action

10. Winrock to lead $20M USDA climate-smart agriculture commodities and markets project in the U.S. 

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Market Transitions to Enable New Growth Opportunities (MTENGO)

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Thailand Regional Agriculture Innovation Network (RAIN)

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SafeStep Project

SafeStep Project

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Palm trees in Indonesia

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Vietnam forests

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