Legacy Project
The Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil or Aliansi Sawit Lestari Indonesia (ASLI)
Funder: USAID
Project Timeline: March 18, 2016 - March 19, 2018
Country: Indonesia
Program Area: Forestry and Natural Resource Management
In the last 15 years, Indonesia’s palm oil sector has seen an enormous production increase, leading to growth in smallholder incomes and the overall national economy. However, this expansion has threatened the environment by driving high deforestation and peatland degradation rates. This project, a partnership between USAID, Winrock and Perkumpulan Sawit Lestari, aims to strengthen private sector initiatives that address the link between deforestation and the palm oil industry. It works to enhance technical research on policy and regulatory reform, define and address smallholder sustainability needs, and develop a framework for monitoring and reporting progress against deforestation.