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Winrock International
Burmese women at drying table

Legacy Project

Value Chains for Rural Development in Burma (VC-RD)

Increasing the productivity and profitability of smallholders in Burma has the potential to substantially improve food security and livelihoods in poor, rural communities. USAID’s Value Chains for Rural Development project uses an inclusive, market systems approach to support smallholder producers, farmer groups, agribusinesses and community organizations in the coffee, soybean, ginger, sesame and melon value chains. The project leverages the expertise of volunteers to improve farmer productivity and market access. By collaborating with partners including SMEs to introduce new technologies and techniques, improve access to extension services, stimulate private sector investment and promote market-based approaches, this project aims to boost production and incomes of 80,000 households.

Funder: USAID

Project Timeline: September 22, 2014 - December 31, 2019

Country: Burma

Program Areas: Agriculture, Resilience & Water , U.S. Programs  and Access to Finance

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Project Goals


in private sector investment leveraged by VC-RD across the coffee, ginger, soy, sesame and melon value chains since 2014


exported by project participants across the life of the project in all five value chains


of participants adopted improved practices or technologies


in pre-season loans and other financing accessed by smallholder farmers and value chain stakeholders facilitated by VC-RD