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Winrock International


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Case Study on How Referrals are Being Made Using the VCMS Referral Mechanism

Effective collaboration and communication are crucial for protection, prevention, and prosecution efforts and ensure appropriate responses and services are provided. Referral structures should allow information to be channeled efficiently between service providers and victims; help service providers develop care plans; and enable expectations to be set for the quality and timeline of care. Versatile systems, […]

Malaysia’s Human Trafficking Routes: What the Collective Data Tells Us About Migrant Worker Exploitation

In the mid-1980s, Malaysia signed agreements with Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand to provide for the recruitment of migrant workers in its construction and plantation sectors, and as domestic staff. Aggressive industrialization meant that, since the 1970s, the country had required more labour than was available domestically.

Local Authorities Moving from Being Passive Victims Receiving Aid to Being Active Players in Assistance Delivery in Burkina Faso

Since 2016, Burkina Faso has seen a rise in violent attacks by jihadist groups that have led to a loss of lives, the destruction of people’s livelihoods, and diminished food and nutrition security. Record-breaking numbers of people are forced to flee within the country because civilians are increasingly being targeted. As of September 30, 2021, […]

Tillaberi Commune Mobilizes Its Citizens to Mitigate the Risk and Impact of Floods

In 2020, Niger experienced the worst floods in its history. The Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management estimated that more than 632,000 people were affected by the floods in October 2020. Since 2011, floods have become increasingly recurrent throughout the country. They occur during the rainy season (July-September) when the rains are often abundant […]

USAID Reducing Pollution Activity Annual Program Statement: Collective Impact for Plastic Pollution and Solid Waste Management

In support of Vietnam’s efforts to address environmental pollution challenges, Winrock International is implementing the five-year USAID-funded Reducing Pollution Activity (June 2021-June 2026) to foster locally-driven initiatives and facilitate capacity for local actors/networks to address environmental pollution challenges using a collective impact approach. The underlying collective impact approach addresses complex challenges by mobilizing diverse actors to collaborate, […]

Multi-Hazard Contingency Plan – a Hub for Collaboration among Stakeholders to Build Resilience in Communities at risk

Each year, Niger and Burkina Faso experience natural disasters such as droughts, floods, epidemics, cross-border animal diseases and economic crises. In recent years, the two countries have also endured repeated conflicts and terrorist attacks causing massive population displacements. These incidents result in loss of lives and destruction or deterioration of populations’ livelihoods and consequently affect […]

ASTER- TerresEauVie – ViMPlus : Collaboration to better inform Communities on land Tenure

Three RISE II activities in North Central Burkina Faso, ASTER, ViMPlus, & TerresEauVie, each with its specific mandate or level of intervention, focus on improving land tenure security. Stakeholders jointly reported a concern during a meeting in March 2020. In spite of the Government’s efforts, knowledge and compliance with Law 034/2009 of June 16, 2009 […]

USAID-Funded Activities (WFP, Wadata, and TerresEauVie) Join forces to preserve pastoral resources in Kourayé village- Zinder

In 2019, World Food Program, Wadata, and TerresEauVie developed a collaborative action plan to reclaim degraded lands in Mazamni municipality using a watershed approach. To achieve this goal, micro-watershed maps were produced by TerresEauVie. These maps allowed Wadata and TerresEauVie to identify the grazing area of Kourayé village in the Mazamni municipality (Zinder region). The […]

My Migration Journey

This collection of stories was based on a research project to understand the experiences of reintegration among survivors of trafficking, what they think constitutes successful reintegration, and what they feel would best support them in their reintegration journeys. The research was conducted between January and March 2020 by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and […]
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