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Winrock International


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Awareness on the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking for Field-Level Law Enforcement Officers

In terms of crime, human trafficking is an organized crime. Not just an organized crime of itself, but traffickers and their associates organize a variety of crimes against a victim of trafficking. Those crimes include deception, physical and mental abuse, sexual abuse, ransom, deprivation of food and medical care, forced labor, mutilation, use in war, […]

Judicial Officers on the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking

In terms of a crime, human trafficking is an organized crime, but not just an organized crime. Traffickers and accomplices commit several types of crimes against a victim of trafficking: defrauding victims, physical and mental abuse, sexual abuse, ransom, deprivation of food and medical care, forced labor, sale of body organs, use in war, and […]

Training of Trainers on Human Trafficking Survivor Service Guidelines

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been supporting human trafficking prevention programs in Bangladesh since 2000. Winrock International, in partnership with USAID, implemented the 6-year Action for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) program followed by the Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-in-Persons (BC/TIP) program until 2014-2021.

Peer Leaders Module: Preventing Human Trafficking and Ensuring Safe Migration

Human trafficking is the most vicious and one of the fastest-growing criminal activities in the world. Bangladesh is considered a source country for the smuggling and human trafficking of women, men, and children for coerced labor and sex work. Skilled, unskilled, and low-skilled labor migration has boosted our national income and played an important role […]

Training Module on Human Trafficking Awareness for the Counter Trafficking Committee (CTC) Members

Human trafficking is a growing organized crime. That is why human trafficking is considered as the third largest criminal activity in the world. Human trafficking incidents take place on a large scale in Bangladesh, like other countries in Asia. Usually, human trafficking is a terrible form of making business through exploitation of a human being. […]

Human Trafficking Survivor Service Guidelines: Identification to Reintegration

The USAID Mission in Bangladesh is one of the largest USAID development activities in the world. USAID has been a development partner of Bangladesh since independence in 1971. The agency is committed to using its resources to promote democratic institutions and practices; support the expansion of economic opportunities and improvement of health and education services, […]

Democratizing Migration: How a Mobile App is Empowering Migrant Workers and Disrupting Migration Systems | Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (

For migrant workers across the globe, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and nation-wide lockdowns have taken a heavy toll. Confronting job losses, reduced work hours and salaries, and a rise in deportations, migrant workers are also coping with the mental effects of a pandemic that has left them isolated in a foreign place and […]

Communities Unite to Protect Vital Water Supplies in Burkina Faso

Located within the Sahel, a semi-arid region below the Sahara with long stretches of dry weather punctuated by brief rains, the northern regions of Burkina Faso are plagued by drought and water shortages. Here, people’s ability to reliably collect, store and distribute water – especially during the dry season — is crucial to both food […]

A Public-Private Partnership to Strengthen Drinking Water Supply in Barsalogho

TerresEauVie supported the Barsalogho commune to execute and implement an “affermage” (service concession) contract with a private sector partner to improve management of their Simplified Drinking Water Supply (AEPS) systems, especially during emergency situations.

Mapping the Future: Communal-Based Cartography in Niger Improves Land Use Practices

In Niger, the effects of decades of unplanned, uncoordinated land use are myriad and widespread. Community members suddenly dislocated by uncontrolled development. Flood risks escalating in rapidly deforested regions. Water quality worsening as a result of unregulated manufacturing and land degradation. Conflicts on the rise as communities compete for increasingly scarce natural resources. Figuring out […]
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