
Using Scenario Analysis to Assess Water Security in an Uncertain Future
This case study documents SWP’s experience applying the Robust Decision Support process with key stakeholders in Kenya, Tanzania, and Cambodia to model and assess the impacts of future climate change and development scenarios on water availability in the Mara River and Stung Chinit basins.
2020 SWP Annual Report
The Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) is pleased to present its 2020 annual report, which describes SWP’s achievements and lessons learned in Year 4. Some of the key achievements include: In Nepal, completed the innovative Integrated Water Management Activity (IWMA) which worked with 10 USAID projects with the shared goal of improving water security in two […]
Creating Conversations and Solving Grievances
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), a partner on the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) funded Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) project, established a Grievance Coordination Team (GCT) in August 2020 to resolve grievances raised by children working in child labor, family members, and the community in the dried fish sector (DFS). To ensure […]
Swapnojaal: Dreaming of a better life for Child Laborers and their families engaged in the Dried Fish Sector
“The capacity development initiatives of the Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) project influenced me to address social inequality and advocate for child labor prevention in Cox’s Bazar. Also, to create alternative livelihood opportunities for the families involved in dried fish processing. Now, I am fairly confident in changing community /stakeholders’ perception towards better life […]
An Information Service Hub for the Dried Fish Sector Community
Nazirartek dried fish processing area is located in the fringe of Cox’s Bazar township and remains isolated during the high tide of the Bay of Bangle. The community is dependent on revenue derived from dried fish processing. Currently, there are no significant civic facilities established in the area, including schools, which are located close by […]
Advocating for Increased Government Directives in Eliminating Child Labor in the Dried Fish Sector
One of the key objectives of the USDOL- funded Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) project is to strengthen the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) Upazila (sub-district) Child Labor Monitoring Committees (UCLMCs) in Cox’s Bazar Sadar and Moheshkhali Upazilas to protect children engaged in the Dried Fish Sector (DFS).
Adolescents Engaged in Dried Fish Processing Look for Alternative Livelihoods
Nasima Akter is an ambitious, 14-year-old girl of Nazirartek, a suburb of Cox’s Bazar Sadar. She is one of the many adolescents to engage in the handcraft development and skills training from Swopnojal, an NGO providing alternative sources of income to those engaged in dried fish processing.
May 2021 SWP Newsletter
In the May 2021 SWP newsletter: 2020 SWP Annual Report now available Updated toolkit and new case studies published Launch of the Water Allocation Plan for the Lower Mara River Basin
Scaling Up Solar Pumps for Irrigation and Domestic Water Use in Ethiopia: The Role of Blended Finance
By Rishikesh Bhandary,Kyle Karber, Easwaran Narassimhana, and Bikash Pandey | October2020 Solar pumps have the potential to help meet household and agriculture-related water needs in Ethiopia. With Ethiopia’s electrification rate standing at only 45%, solar pumps would enable energy access and create multiple co-benefits.1 Currently, diesel pumps are used in most rural agricultural applications. This […]