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Winrock International


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How to Build Cross-Sectoral Collaboration to Protect Workers in the Age of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has had profound effects on the world economy and global supply chains — damaging companies, creating significant instability and uncertainty for suppliers, and imperiling vulnerable workers worldwide. Among the devastating impacts of COVID-19 is increased vulnerability to trafficking in persons (TIP) and forced labor for job-seekers, migrant workers and at-risk communities.

Annonce Concours Journée Mondiale des Pêches

A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la pêche, le 21 novembre 2020, le projet Dekkal Geej, en partenariat avec la Direction des Pêches Maritimes et le Réseau National des Comités Locaux de pêche artisanale (RNCLPA), lance un concours pour les meilleures pratiques et les innovations dans le secteur de la pêche artisanale. Le concours […]

Stung Chinit River Basin Strategic Action Plan

The Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Stung Chinit River Basin is the result of a process of identification, analysis and prioritization of actions to reduce water security risks and promote conservation for the sustainable development in the basin. The main goal of the SAP is to implement actions that promote the sustainable development in […]

Technology Solution for Fair Labor in Thailand’s Sugar Supply Chain

The Challenge Agricultural supply chains are highly complex, with many production tiers and involved stakeholders. This makes product traceability and assurance of fair labor standards along the supply chain a challenge. Thailand’s sugarcane industry is no exception, where workers are susceptible to forced labor and exploitation.

Cruel Outcomes: An In-Depth Look at Forced Labor in the Palm Oil Industry with Recommendations for Reform

The report examines how weak corporate governance can increase the vulnerabilities of migrant workers and argues that companies’ response to and management of human trafficking and forced labor should be given the same attention as, for example, corruption, fraud, and money laundering. Liberty Shared staff spent several months interviewing workers and speaking to local experts […]

The ATLAS Body of Knowledge

In order to support and inform the work of the ATLAS project and provide evidence-based information on the effectiveness of global interventions to combat CL, FL, and HT, Winrock, supported by LWOB, compiled the Body of Knowledge (BOK). The BOK is a research document that reviews the existing evidence on the effectiveness of interventions in […]

New and Emerging Trends of Human Trafficking in Entertainment

This study is made possible by the generous support of the American people and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (UK aid). The contents of the study on The New and Emerging Trends of Human Trafficking in Entertainment Sectors in Nepal are […]

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on Rohingya and Bangladeshis in Malaysia

Since May 2020, MMC Asia has been interviewing Rohingya and Bangladeshis in Malaysia to better understand their migration experiences and protection needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This snapshot builds on themes covered in the first snapshot, produced in June 2020.1 This includes the impact of COVID-19 on daily life, as well as the consequences of […]

Protection risks faced by Rohingya and Bangladeshis in Malaysia amid the COVID-19 crisis

Since May 2020, MMC Asia has been interviewing Rohingya and Bangladeshis in Malaysia to better understand their migration experiences and needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the crisis continues to evolve, the secondary impacts of COVID-19, including widespread loss of livelihoods, shrinking protection spaces, increased restrictions on movement and rising levels of discrimination become more […]
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