The Government of Indonesia is committed to pursuing sustainable development through improvements in economic, social and environmental conditions throughout the country. In the field of agricultural commodities production, the implementation of sustainable palm oil practices began in 2011 following the launch of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification system in Medan.1 The certification aimed […]
The Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil (Aliansi Sawit Lestari Indonesia or ASLI project) – Winrock International, a Cooperative Agreement between USAID and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), held a series of four (4) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to contribute to the ongoing discussion on revising Law No. 5/1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources, […]
Winrock International, through the USAID/Indonesia Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil (ASLI) project, which is supported by USAID in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia through the Working Group on Revision of Law No. 5/1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Law No. 5/1990) and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Legal Bureau, organized […]
Revisions to Law No. 5/1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources, Biodiversity and ecosystems (Law No. 5/1990) are under discussion at the legislative and executive levels in Indonesia. This second White Paper focuses on “institutional arrangements for conservation area management.” We have gathered expert opinions on the matter. This discussion is part of a series, following […]
Natural resources conservation is often being avoided in the context of development due to the fact that conservation tends to be considered counter productive to development. However, natural resources conservation issues are inseparable elements of sustainable development. Conservation as a concept may not yet be fully understood. Conservation areas are not limited to any administrative […]
Alice’s household faces many challenges like any other single woman-headed household in her village. She has been unable to send any of her children to school, so none of them has been educated. She does not own a farm because within her husband’s culture, a woman can only inherit ancestral land from her father, not […]
The United States Department of Labor’s (USDOL) funded project EMPOWER: Increasing Economic and Social Empowerment for Adolescent Girls and Vulnerable Women in Zambia is a four-year initiative aimed at reducing the prevalence of child labor through interventions that support four outcomes: adolescent girls engaged in or at high risk of entering child labor have increased […]
This paper published in the journal Environmental Research Letters was prepared under the NASA-funded Indonesia Carbon Monitoring System project to evaluate the carbon stocks of intact, degraded, secondary, and peat swamp forests in Kalimantan. A wall-to-wall map of aboveground biomass for the region was developed through a hybrid approach combining field inventory plots, airborne lidar, […]