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Winrock International


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Assessment of mangrove ecosystems in Colombia and their potential for emissions reductions and restoration (English)

Mangrove forests are key for coastal resilience in tropical countries; they provide multiple ecosystem services while increasing the ability of coastal communities to adapt to a changing climate. This report is a preliminary evaluation of the potential of including mangrove restoration and sustainable mangrove use in Colombia’s Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) strategy.

Engaging the Private Sector to finance LEDS: The AFOLU perspective

This presentation was given at the Africa LEDS Partnership Annual Event in October 2017 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. It explores the history of private sector engagement in low emissions development (LEDS) in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector as well as ways to better engage the private sector in the future. Author: […]

Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Working Group

This presentation was given at the Africa LEDS Partnership Annual Event in October 2017 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. It introduces the AFOLU Working Group and the type of work it engages in, the AFOLU sector’s global contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, and the sector’s role in helping countries meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under […]

Low emissions, resilient rural development – a planning framework

This presentation was given at the LEDS Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (LEDS LAC) Annual Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico in October 2017. It presents a proposed planning framework for promoting rural economic development that is low in emissions and resilient to the impacts of climate change. Authors: Anna McMurray Read Spanish […]

The Relationship between LEDS and REDD+: Case studies from Peru and Guatemala

This paper evaluates the relationships between Low Emissions and Climate Resilient Development Strategies (LEDS) and strategies to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+). Based on a preliminary assessment of two case study countries in Latin […]

Toolkit #5: Water Security Implementation

The success of a WSI process depends on the implementation of activities or measures defined through collaborative planning and decision-making with the purpose of addressing and mitigating priority water risks now and in the future. Implementation produces tangible results that improve water security; builds capacity and teamwork through participation; and anchors water security planning and […]

Toolkit #4: Funding Water Security

Funding is essential to translate the WSI process into activities that provide tangible benefits to water users. Funding must be identified and secured early to: Cover the costs of the assessment and planning steps Be the “reality check for action planning (only funded activities will be implemented) Financing can come from government taxes, user tariffs, […]

Sustainable Water Partnership Newsletter January 2018

SWP’s Water Security Improvement (WSI) process helps stakeholders address water-related risks in a specific geographic area. Join SWP Director Eric Viala and Deputy Director John Parker Tuesday, January 23 at 11 a.m. EST for a free webinar on WSI processes and holistic approaches to water security Featured in This Issue: – Webinar: How to Improve […]

SUCCESS STORY: A Life-Changing Experience

Winrock PCCP’s Garungan Project in Buenavista, Agusan del Norte, Philippines Enrique Gabales used to be a fish peddler residing in the townof Buenavista in the province of Agusan del Norte, Philippines. At the age of 54, Ricky, as he is locally called, peddled fish on his motorbike, carrying his goods in Styrofoam boxes installed on […]
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